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(Aphmau's POV)
I groan as I get up. I yawn and then I remember I'm being held prisoner. I find Zane smirking,as if he was pleased I was awake. I see bread and some water out for me. I cock an eyebrow at him.
"What? I obviously brought you here for a reason if I was going to kill you i would already done it."
"Why do you want me?" I say reaching for the bread, but being cautious. It could be poisoned.
"You'll see soon enough." he takes a bit of the bread in pops it in his mouth to prove it isn't poisoned. I take a bite out of the bread. It's actually good?I gulp down. I reach for the water and he smiles. I set the glass down." I have a right to know." he frowns.
"I suppose you do but....since when did I care about your rights?" he chuckles. I stay silent. I bite my lip. What am I going to do?
"Whatever it is, I'm not helping." I smirk.
"Oh, that's what you say now....."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
He pulls down his Mask so I meet face to face with him. I'll admit it caught me off guard. I know this is a serious situation and lives could be on a line, but I couldn't help but laugh. He had freckles marking his cheeks. He growls and pulls it back up. I reach through bars and stop him.
"I know you're the bad guy and all but, keep the mask off. You look less intimidating." I turn around and sit back on my bed. I notice he hasn't snapped at me or threatened me. I look at him and he's bright red.

That came off the wrong way

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That came off the wrong way..... Didn't it?I shake my head. I have to get my head in the game. Maybe this could be a plus one for me. I smile to myself. He clears his throat.
"W-well! I have to get back to uh- torturing other people sooooo....U-um yeah." with that he turns around and walks off. I hear him start to mumble to himself. I lay on the bed and start to braid my hair, just like Laurence did...I feel myself start to tear up. I hope my babies are okay. Oh Levin, Malachi I'm so sorry. Please come find me.
(Laurence's POV)
Its been around a day since I've talked to Aphmau. I mean I get it, it can be weird. Especially with her. But's been to long. I've asked around but, no one has seen her since yesterday. If someone knows where she is it has to be Garroth. That metal head tracks her down everywhere. I go up to his room.
Knock knock
I hear a groan and the footsteps. I see Garroth in a sweater and some sweats. He rubs his eyes and once he realized it's me He glares at me. He's still angry? I mean I would be too but...I clear my throat.
"Have you seen Aphmau?" his eyes widen.
"Y-you mean you haven't found her!?!?!?" he pushes by me.
"H-hey!" he stares at me and leans into my face.
"You idiot why haven't you set up a search party!?"
"I mean I didn't think it was along enough for that-" he cuts me off.
"Its been 23 hours." he scoffs and,marches downstairs. Geez. I let out a breath and grab my sword. Maybe I was being stupid. It is unusual for her to be gone for that long. I bang my head into the wall.
"I'll find you Aph."
Sorry this chapter is so short! I had to rush! I been very busy so the chapters will be a bit shorter. I will stills try to post daily.

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