one kiss

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(Aphmau's POV)

I make my way up stairs to find Garroth at the door. My heart skips a beat, if Garroth finds out what happened I am So dead. I clear my throat and open the door.
"Get any sleep?"
"Oh!uh.....yeah plenty." I answer sheeepishly. A flashback creeps at the back of my mind but, I force back down.
"Good to hear." he smiles and says he was anxious about the limited amount of sleep I was giving myself.I say good bye. A delicious scent catches my attention. Zoey is making pancakes. I sit at the table and she sets the plate down.
"Did you get sleep?"
" I bet you did." she let's out a laugh.
"You know maybe next time you can sneak into My room."
I choke on a pancake and bang on my chest to breath. Once I'm done I look up to Zoey. She's smiling evily at me.
"Y-you saw?"
"Oh yeah. Poor Laurence you we're hogging the bed really. But I got to say I've never seen you so comfortable can I ask why?" She's teasing me.
Before I can answer I hear a groan and its Laurence. My heart stops. I turn to Zoey and put my finger up to my lips. Shhh. She nods and mouths you better explain later. I nod.
"Good morning." Zoey and I say in unison.
I get up to help Laurence sit down in a chair.
"You could've called me to help you." I say.
He doesnt say anything in return but, smiles.
I let go of his shoulders an scoot over to my chair. Zoey gets up.
"I'll go get the boys." she winks at me.
I sit in silence with Laurence and my stomach in twists.
His hand searches mine.
"I want come out."
"Laurence you can't,not yet."
"Then when? I know I'm blind so might as well get used to it."
My breath gets caught in my throat.
He smiles.
"Aph, can I....can I kiss you?"
I sit there "I'll be waiting."  and realize he can only hear me.I can't let him know how flustered I am.
"When you slay the Dragon."
His smile returns.
"Where can I find him?"
I laugh and he follows.
"Come on." i grab his hand and help him outside.
I see him close his eyes and let the breeze rattle his hair.
I stand there staring at him. I don't think I've ever seen Laurence before.
Sure I've seen him tease and fight but, I be never seen him just take everything in. He's everything at Once. I take him down the path and He requests for me to take him to the woods.
"I can feel the trees." he smiles.
He squeezes my hand.
"Laurence we shouldn't be here alone."
"I know, it's just for a moment. I know ours is a forbidden love." He chuckled.
"Oh sureeeeee."
He places his hand on my cheek.
"This time I slayed the Dragon."
He leans in and kisses me.
I want to pull away. I have to, but I melt into his embrace.

 I have to, but I melt into his embrace

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We break the kiss, breathing for air.
I can't imagine what I look like right Now.

still have my arms wrapped around his neck. He has his arms wrapped around my waist. He pulls me closer. I try to stand my ground, thinking he's going to kiss me again....not that I wouldn't mind.

(Laurence's POV)

Aphmau......she is beautiful. I've never felt so warm. I bring her closer to me. She doesn't give in. I laugh a little. She's so red.
"So?" I echo.
" we should go back now." she starts to turn around. This moment is too perfect. I can't let her leave.
"I- I want to be able to kiss you......without hiding."
I cover my mouth realizing what I had just said.
I stand in silence,and then hear footsteps.

Stay with me (Laurmau) ~Completed~Where stories live. Discover now