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(Aphmaus POV)
I reach downstairs. I swivel a little since I'm so tired. I open the door to find Laurence already in bed. I smile. He looks so calm and so vulnerable.
I walk into his room and silently closing the door. I slide the chair next to him. I smile and watch him sleep. I cringe at myself, noticing how creepy this is. I get up and reach for the door.
I turn around to hear Laurence calling me. I return to his bedside to see him still sound asleep. I smile. I bite my lip and just want him to cuddle with me. I shake my head to shake the thought away. I place a kiss on his forehead and as I was getting up Laurence grabbed my wrist. I felt his hand slide up my arm to find my face. His hand traced my face and brushed through my hair.
I start to panick.

(Laurence's POV)

I feel Aphmau freeze.
"Y-yeah?" I smile to find that it was her. I pull her down for her to lay next to me, she willingly falls next to me.
"L-laurence!" I feel her heart race.
I smile mischeviously.
"I knew you would fall for me eventually."
I hear her laugh under her breath. I pull her closer to me.
"Laurence......I can't stay here. I can't imagine what would happen if they found me here." she fiddles with her hair.
"I know,But it it's worth it."
She doesn't fight back. My breath gets caught in my throat, as I look down to see her place her head on my chest. I

(Aphmau's POV)

I don't want to fight back. I want this to actually be happening. I close my eyes and lean onto his chest. If this is a dream I don't want to wake up. I listen to his steady heart beat. I close my eyes. Then my mind goes blank.

MorningI wake up to Laurence craddling in his arms

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I wake up to Laurence craddling in his arms. I'm surronded with his warmth. I don't want to move. I just stare at his face and smile. I blush realizing I'm gawking At Laurence.

(Laurence's POV)

I wakeup to aphmau.
I chuckle . I kiss her forehead and pull her tighter.
"Laurence I should....get going."
"I know." I let out a depressed sigh.
She giggles at my disappointment.
I reach for her face and skim through it. My thumb slides over her lips. I lean in,but I'm blocked by her finger.
"Maybe next time" she giggles.
I hear her get up and straighten out her dress. I pout.
"I'll come back later okay?"
I nod in response and get up. She helps me to my chair.
"I'll be waiting."
I hear her walk out and close the door.
I set my head in my hands to repeat what the hell just happened.

Stay with me (Laurmau) ~Completed~Where stories live. Discover now