New you

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(Laurence's POV)
I feel something warm on my forehead and then Aphmau grabs my hand and we start walking. Did she just.....? I look to the side to shy to look her in the face. Why do I always get like this when Aphmau makes the first move.
"Tonight is the baby shower."
"Oh yeah?"
I hear Cadenza squeal and start to jump.
" Aph, you are going to just love this! Okay, what if we dye Laurence's hair to its normal color and maybe give it a trim too, ugh."
" alright alright." she giggles. "He's all yours." she passes me to Cadenza.
"Have fun you too!" then the door closed.
"Oh bro~~other!" Candenza mocks me.
"Oh my Irene, please help me."
Candenza giggles as she grabs my hand. She sit me down and starts to set my hair..
"You're going to look so cool."
I start to mentally panick.
"Just chill Laurence."

Time skip: baby shower.

(Aphmaus POV)
Garroth and I made a plan. I'm going to ask Zane how he would react if Garroth were to have a girl
"Can't a give children gifts without being stated at judgementally, you really need to work on your manners Lady Aphmau." Zane mocks me.
"Only if you do." I say.
You look like you have something in your Garroth going to come and finally fulfill his duty as the first born of the Lord of O'kahsis?"
I gulp. "What if ....Garroth had another love in his life?"
"How would you feel Lady Aphmau?"
"Happy? I guess..."
"Of course, but let's say he did have a new...woman in his life. I would see her all the time but,....I see you with him. You were the last two at wedding really." he smirks.
"Of he did. I would treat her with great respect. I would set up a little get-together.just her and I. Alone in the woods. But what misfortune it would be if something "accidently happened." he laughs
His laugh grows louder almost taunting me.
"As long as I'm alive he will marry the daughter. Nothing will stop me, not even your petty scheme. Unless we could go into the woods....alone."
I slowly start to walk away.
Candenza pops out. I sigh in relief,b it she interrupts me.My eyes open wide.
"Tada the new Laurence!"
"Laurence!" I start to laugh he's barely recognizable. He is so much more handsome and for some reason he looks more genuine. You can tell he looks more relaxed. My heart starts to race. He has light brown hair, an improvement to his orange hair, and his hair is unruly. I feel like my legs are about to give in under me.

 I feel like my legs are about to give in under me

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Then Candenza is called into the party.
"Did she dye my hair blue she kept saying I would look cool and to chill.
I laugh.
"Yeah she did."
He growls and I laugh.
"I'm just kidding."
His eyes soften.
This moment is great us laughing, no worries, no trouble, just us.
Everything is perfect. Then Zane comes.
"You're under arrest for trying to sabotage the marriage proposal." I choke on my breath.
"What!?" I scream.
Garroth comes running.
"What's going on here!?"
"I'm....getting arrested...." I feel dizzy.
"What did she do!?" Garroth is enraged.
Zane smirks devilishly. " she's pretending to be your lover. Which is nonsense she doesn't have a boyfriend much less a husband. She was trying to to sabotage your marriage."
Garroth looks at me. He mouths in so sorry.
"Look you cant-" Garroth tries to fend for me but Laurence cuts in.
"I don't appriceate you talking to my fiance that way." Laurence's composure is so calm. My heat skips a beat.
"What!?" Garroth and Zane scream in unison.
"Don't try to cover for her laurence! I know what happened to you."Zane grits his teeth."
"Zane? High priest ?correct? I thought you people didn't believe in the shadow knights at all."
"You are trying to accuse my love of something she didn't do." my heart tugs at the words my love.
"I will destroy you Laurence..."
" Go ahead I rather be destroyed knowing she's okay then be fine and knowing she's in danger." A glint of protection crosses Laurence's eyes.
"Is this true? Will Laurence be wed to Aphmau....with your blessing."
Garroth balls his fists.
Zane grins.
"Then please let me be there."My chest tightens with panick.
"I'm sorry it was the only option left...."
"I know Laurence."
Laurence and Garroth discuss matters about zane while I try to mind snathches attention when Laurence directs his attention to me.
"Lets go join the party! Right snoopy~poo aphmoo!"
I blush bright red.
"Don't ever call my that again."
Garroth starts to laugh.
"Don't support him!" I pout.
"That's what you get for making me believe my hair was blue."
I smile and Garroth winks at me.
"It is."
"What!? You guys are jerks!"
We join the party.
Time slip:at the end of the party

Laurence and I head home. Zoey insists to stay and help in my place since I was so drained.
I start laughing to myself as the night hits me. I haven't felt this relaxed in a while.
"Tonight was fun."
"Huh? Oh yeah." he caught me off guard.
He grips my hand tighter. I can tell something's off. I grip my sword ready for attack.
I try to lighten the mood.
"So..what do fiancee do?" I look to the side to avoid face contact.

Stay with me (Laurmau) ~Completed~Where stories live. Discover now