I will win this war

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(Laurence's POV)
I tiredly rub my eyes and get up. I'm in Aphmau's room? Oh that's right....I sigh. I put on some clothes and head outside. Aphmau wasn't in her room, so she has to be around the village right? I am greeted at the door by Garroth. He looks surprised to find me here. I lift up the collar of my jacket so he can't see any....clues as to why I was here. He gives my a cold glare and I return it. Then Zoey walks up next to me.
"How can I help you?" she gives him a bright smile.
"Is lady Aphmau here?" Zoey shakes her head.
"She left quite early this morning I wonder why?" she shoots me a stare and then smiles at Garroth again.
"Oh alright then, please inform of when she returns." Zoey nods and he leaves. As I was about to make my way out the door I feel a pull on my collar which makes me stumble back.
"What did you do last night!?" Zoey said anger flaring in her eyes.
"U-um." she lets go of my collar and frowns.
"I should of stopped you in your tracks. I knew the kind of person you were and i-" anger boils within me.
"Why does everyone say I'm a kind of person!? Huh!? So I like her is that wrong!? And she likes me back. ....I love her...so why does everyone make me out to be a bad person...." her eyes are wide not expecting me to scream. I hear little foot steps and I see Malachi at the steps, running his eyes.
"What happened?" he said followed by a yawn.
"Nothing sweetie." says Zoey in a sing-song voice. I turn around and march out the door. Every says in that kind of person. Why? So I like to kiss her is that wrong? I don't see everyone else getting yelled at for being affectionate.I run my hand through my hair. I should just skip guard duty today.....
(Aphmau's POV)
I squeal to myself. I am still flustered about last night. I don't know how I did it without passing out, that's why I couldn't stay with him this morning. I couldn't let him see me. Last night the moment kept moving so there was no time to realize anything and now the truth is hitting me hard. Every. Last. Moment. I hear ruffling in the trees. I whip my head around. I squint to try to focus in. I slowly grab my sword.I feel a shiver up my spine. That can only mean one thing. Something isn't good. I focus on every tree, flower,bush, anything. I feel a breath on my neck.
"Behind you." I jump but, before I can do anything I feel a deep pain in my head and then everything goes black. Dark. And my mind goes blank.

I hear I chuckle and I slowly open my eyes. Everything is blurry and my he's sis screaming in pain. I'm finally able to focus on and I grit my teeth.
"Hello, sleeping beauty." I see Zane his. Mask covering his awful grin.
"You!" I launch up but, scream due to my sore body. I hear him cackling.
"Silly girl, you should have never doubted me."
"You mean about how you aren't even considered a man to me? Oh no, I did doubt you, many times. Including this one." I smile through tears. He scoffs.
"Anyway, back to business. Why am I here, Zane?
He smiles."top secret." I glare at him. Every bit of him is evil. Or is it?No one knows I'm here. I should be brought Garroth with me. I can try to make him fall in love with me, but I don't know if I could bare to kiss him. I cringe. What if I fake my death.The only other way I won't be trapped here is if I am dead.
"Oh and don't plan to escape. These magic barrier pipes. I also took everything away even....aw this little picture with Laurence and two little kids. Levin right? What a shame if something were to happen." I smile creeps into his face.

" I smile creeps into his face

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"You wouldn't dare!" I scream.
"Oh but, I would the love of those you love depends on your behavior. So be a good girl.okay?" he throws the picture on the floor and stomps on it. The he walks off. I drop to my knees. The picture is just within reach so I grab it. I bring it up to my heart as tears start to blur my vision. I can't let him win. I'm strong. I will win.

Stay with me (Laurmau) ~Completed~Where stories live. Discover now