New member on its way

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(Laurence's POV)
A sudden movement wakes me up. I find myself in Aphmaus room. I get up and find Aphmau moving in her sleep.
"Aphmau, wake up." I shake her slightly. She coughs before groaning. her eyes open slowly.
"Laurence, I don't feel good." she clutched her stomach and starts to groan. I assure her everything will be okay and I go to Zoey. She and I are still in rough ends but, Aphmau need her.
"Zoey!! It's Aphmau!" she looks at me with wide eyes. She pushed past me and runs to her room. I wait outside as I hear Zoey calming Aphmau. I start to hear Aphmau panicking and I barge into the room.
"Please tell me she's okay!" Aphmau looks at her hands while she sits up on her bed. Zoey gets up and let's go of Aphmaus hands.
"She's pregnant, and I think I know who the father is." she steed at me, unhappy. I look over at Aphmau, she gives me a slight smile, waiting my reaction. My jaw drops.
"Are you serious!?" I look at her. She nods slowly. I have a child. I beautiful child with the woman I love. I rush over to her and plant kisses on her face.
"Hahahaha...Laurence stop!hahaha" I look at her.
"I'm going to be the luckiest man alive." I embrace her as her breathes slow. I realize she's asleep and I tuck her in. I push past Zoey, I'm not letting her complaints ruin this for me. I need to take a breather. Altough this is the best day of my life, there's many problems to this. People will start question her and the father...and then secrets will start to leak out. Would Aphmau mind if I talked to Dale? He's a dad. I walk over to Molly's place and ask for Dale.

(Aphmaus POV)
I wake up,from being so hungry. I walk downstairs and start or gag at the smell of eggs cooking (all these symptoms are true for pregnancy) I go outside and my heart almost melts. Laurence is sitting with Levin and Malachi playing tag. I see him pretend to run fast so Levin can catch him. Laurence start to chase Malachi around and tickle him when he catches him. His eyes meet mine and he gives me a gentle smile. He walks over to me and kisses, ever so lightly. I'm surprised since he's never kisses me out in the open before.
"Don't get mad....but, I talked to Dale about us. For some dad advice. He promised to keep his mouth shut." I nod and lean on him.
"What about Garroth?" I ask him quietly.
"I kind of wanted to leave the rest to you." he brushed my hair out of my face.
"This is some news.....Laurence....I love you but, I'm afraid I'm a Lord and when the time comes for me to step in ......I will." I gulp as his face grows cold. He nods.
"I know, as long as we love each other I'm fine." I smile and we share another kiss. Laurence helps we walk around the village. My baby bump isn't visible yet,but it hurts.
Time flies past as we laugh and mock each other. We think of names and Laurence is dead set on battle axe. I tell him there's no way that's happening.
Miso here! Sorry for interrupting! I wanted some recommendations for the name of the baby! Now continue.
We get home and I start to write a paper, since Laurence fell asleep from playing with the boys.

Hello Zane!
Everything here is good. I am still considering your peace offer I'm sure I'll get to it in due time. I haven't been able to do much since well, I haven't told anyone, except the father of course, but I'm pregnant. I'm so excited! Business may have to wait. I would like to meet with you some time soon. I feel like your the only one I can talk to
I stop writing. What if his friend plan is just to leak information from me. I earase and start again.
Hello Zane, everything has been great here. I am still considering your peace offering. I'm sure I'll get to it in due time. How is everything there? I would like to talk to you once again. To be honest, I can't be all truthful with you since I'm still a little anxious around you. I'm sure I'll be able to trust you soon, for now I don't think my mind is ready. I would like to hear your stories from home! Well, I should be going. Write back when you are ready.
Your friend,

I fold the letter and and put it in an envelope. I had called Garroth to ask if I could use raven. I put my finger up to my lips. Shhhh. He nods and flies of with my letter. I sneak back into bed and close my eyes. My eyelids flutter. My conscience floats away and is replaced with peaceful sleep.

Okay it's me again! It's the end of this chapter and that means a drawing! This time I decide to draw one of my ships.

Zanvis! Aren't they so cute! Sorry Zane~chan and travlyn shippers.
Miso out!

Stay with me (Laurmau) ~Completed~Where stories live. Discover now