Snapped String

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(Garroth Pov) cold sweat ran down my face as I rode to Meteli. If there's one person who will make everyone help Laurence its Candenza. I hope I make it in time.

(Aphmau POV) I look at Laurences face as he times in and out of conciousness. I talk to him, gripping his hand in both of mine. Tears stream down my face as I cry out for him to open his eyes. His eyelids open a a fraction, but that's enough to let me know he isn't going anywhere. I keep talking to the last bit of live in him and his hand starts to slack in mine.
"Laurence!" I call to him and his glassy eyes stare at me. That's when I knew...he was gone. There was no speck of light in his eyes and his smile was wipe clean from his existence. The last string in m heart snapped. I shook Laurence fiercely.
"W-wake....u-up!" I utter out. I start to sob on his lifeless arms that once held me tight. His skin started to burn my cheek. I quickly pulled away as steam hovered over my cheek. My tears vaporized. His body still lays motionless on the bed and I hear the door creak. A tiny little Angel just saw her father's blood on her mother's hands. Levin stood there pain streaked across his face. Malachi carried Lilith in his arms while her tears soaked through his shirt. Malachi stood looking at Laurence expressionless. A veil over his face.
"Mom! What happened!" Levin finally had enough air to scream out. I flinched, my heart now fragile. Levin started to walk towards me, but a hand held him back. Zoey. I glared daggers into her, but she was too tired to care. Levin knees buckled under him and he weeped. It was quiet except for the wails of my children. Zoey dragged them out, except Malachi. He left before any of them.I kneeled beside his bedside my hands griping his shirt. I heard a cough and my eyelids flew open. My arms were covered in splatters of blood as Laurence looked at me. I pushed myself away from him and looked at my hands. He clenched his side and grunted as he tried to lift himself up. I stood there and watched as he fought off death itself. His ice blue eyes stared at me. They marked every part of the room and then he got up and embraced me. I stood there, unable to process anyhing. I watched his dead body a few seconds ago and now he is hugging me.
"Aphmau. .." he spoke softly into my hair. His grip around me tightened and then he collapsed to the floor.

Stay with me (Laurmau) ~Completed~Where stories live. Discover now