I love you

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(Aphmaus POV)
I see Levin and Malachi playfully chase Lilith around. I feel someone come behind me, their arms embracing me tight.
"Morning beautiful~" I hear Laurence say into my hair. I turn around and cup his face into my hands.
"Your like a cat, y'know? Always on the prowl" I giggle. He looks at me and his single-dimpled smile grows wider. "Meeow~" he seductively purrs. I laugh as he kisses my neck, tickling me. "S-stop! Hahaha" I feel a tug on my short and I look down at Lilith. Time flies into mid air. You can't catch it, and can't stop it. It just breezes by you. Sometimes you can feel it if you close your eyes and pay attention. One thing that sucks about being a mom is that time is more sudden. Lilith is 5 now and Malachi and levin turning 11 soon.
"I want mommy!" she looks at me. That little curious-eyed rascal. My bratty angel.
"Hey~ you always get mommy! It's my turn!" Laurence argued with the sassy 5 year old.
"You and mommy already kiss at night! I get mommy during the day!" she pouts. I sigh and pick her up in defeat. She giggles and sticks her tongue out in victory. "You're lucky you're so darn cute..." he grumbles as he mimics Lilith's move. He gives me a quick peck as he goes to fulfill his time at the guard tower. Levin and Malachi go to Alexis and Kevin's house. I giggled. I think levin might have a thing for Alexis. I go inside to see Zoey,looking as young as ever. I grumble in envy.
"Morning~" she says in her usual sugar-coated voice. Lilith jumps from my arms and hugs Zoey's legs. "Auntie Zowe!!!" she giggles and ruffled Liliths hair. Zoey looked at my face and sighed. I probably look like I haven't sleept in years. Which is true. I mentally thank her. I go upstairs and plop on out bed. Zane was allowed to move into Phoenix drop and I think I might see some sparks flying between him and Travis! Hehehe! Kawaii~chan and Dante have been thinking of raising a child together. Which I think would be super cute!!! Katelyn is still as cold as ever but she's getting closer to me. I her a doorbell and groan. Not One second of peace. Not. One. I hear Zoey and Lilith gigling so might have to answer the door myself. I slump downstairs and open the door. I see Zane without his Mask and his face as red as ever.
"Aphmau!!!" he lunged toward me hugging me.
"Z-zane? What's wrong!?!?" he groans into my shoulder.
"I'm dead!!!" I giggled as I grabbed his shoulders to look him in the face.
"I have some left over cupcakes. We can talk!" sleep can wait if it's for my best friend! He barely touched his cupcake which took me by surprise.
"Okay....what's up?" I sigh putting my cupcake down. His blush, such I managed to calm, bursted allover his face again.
"W-well....y-y-y'know h-how i-i-i s-said I had a c-crush on t-t-t-..." stutters dominate his speech. I sigh "Travis?" I finish of his sentence for him. He closes his eyes as a whimper escapes his lips as he nods.
"Aaaand?" I say sipping my tea.
"Hekissedmeandidontknowwhattodoanymoreimeanheisjotandilikehimwellireallylikehimandiwanttojavesomethingbutimjustanervouswreck!" he let's put in one breath and he gasps for air.
"Wait wait what?" he slams his head one the table.
"He....kissed...me" i squeal and he gives me a dorkish smile.
" I see a cute relationship~" his eyes widen
"R-really?" I not and he smiles. We finish cupcakes and he heads over to Travis places. I'm so happy for him! Just as Zane leaves Laurence appears he groggily walks to me. I welcome him with open arms.
"Lets go to bed...." he yawns into my arms.
"Zoey has the kids, let's go." we lay in bed and he hugs me from behind.
"I love you" he whispers into my neck. I giggle as the vibrations from his voice coarse through me.
"Me too"

Stay with me (Laurmau) ~Completed~Where stories live. Discover now