Fought for you

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(Laurence POV)
I walked over to the front of the ship and saw the dark haired boy carrying Travis. I can hear him scream, but I can make out what he's saying. I grip the railing of the ship as I look at my hands. They have the dry blood of the man called Garroth. I swallow down my guilt and look at those aboard the ship. My eyes meet a boy with brown hair. He looks quite young. He smiled and walks up to me.
"My name is Brian." he leans against the ship looking out to the sea.
"When I killed my first person , I was pretty scared. Y'know. I killed my first person along Zane."
"Zane?" Brian laughs.
" it was the coward crying for his lost love." he snickers. I but the inside of my cheek and look at the docks.
"He used to be very powerful. He despised Lord Aphmau and vise versa. Then he got all soft." he began to pick at his nails and then someone called out to him. "Well, I'll look forward working by your side." he waved and ran to Gene. Zane...huh? That name seems familiar.
You'll make a great father.
I grip my shirt, where it feels a knife sliced through me. What was that!?!?! Her voice silks into my head, once again.
It's a lie.
I rack my brain and sigh into,the icy wind.
(Zane's POV) before attack
"So..?" Travis whispers snuggling his head in the crook of my neck. I laughed as shudders raced through my skin.
"So?" I echoed back.
Travis wrapped his hands around me as I looked over at the docks, the sun slowly setting.
"Thanks for coming on duty with me." He quickly kissed me and a blush dusted my cheeks.
"Of course." I leaned on him, not wanting him to get to affectionate....he can get really loveable. We saw a ship slowly coming from horizon.
"Did we get any notification of visitation?" I quickly pointed at the ship. His brows knitted together and he picked up his sword.
"No..." he looked back at me. "Stay here..." He gulped and looked at his feet before meeting my face again.
"I love you." I stood up. Those words sounded more,of farewell than of love.
"Travis...?" he gripped his sword to the point where his knuckles whitened.
"Please..Stay here, Zane." He started walking toward the ship and I quickly backed up. Travis greeted those on board and they exchanged few words. From the distance, my eye caught a glimpse of sun. He's drawing a weapon. I quickly stood on my foot.
"Travis look out!" He looked at his enemy and quickly drew his sword. I heard the clink and I quickly grabbed my sword. I wasn't very good and Travis taught me very little, but he needed me.
"GUARDS!" I quickly waved at the guard tower and the nodded. I saw Travis hesitate and I closed my eyes. I groan escaped the corpse I just stabbed. Travis...didn't like killing people. I didn't either, but I could live with it. The dead man's body slipped from my sword onto the ground.
"Zane! I told you to stay back!" he quickly blocked an attack, while yelling.
"I'm not going to let you get hurt because I was in the shadows!" I yell back. He swings his sword in my direction and I duck, only to hear the groan of a deceased soldier. Travis scowls and my eye catches on a woman with flowing orange hair and piercing blue eyes.
"Zane! Zane! Zane!" Travis tries to alert me, but the My body won't move. As if she has control of me.
My body feels like stone and I frantically try to move.
"Zane!" Travis' voice was gurbbled by the blood dripping down his chin. He dropped to the floor in a swift movement and I met eyes with a young boy.
"Brian?" I called out, but he just smiled. He stepped over Travis, who is now squirming.
"Bye." I screamed and Brian froze. His knows knitted together as if he was concentrating.
We'll spare you.....this time.
A voice hollowed out my thoughts. Telepathic converse?
I looked around to see bodies from both sides decorating the sand. Including Travis. My heart hammered deeper into my chest, not wanting to face the truth. His chest rose, but so little, you have to look close.
"Travis!" I cried next to him. He looked over at me, his eyes glassy.
"Travis! No no no no no! Travis please! Don't go! I love you!" I tried to bring him back. If he loves me hell stay. Yes, he will. He can't die. He just can't.
He looked at me and chuckled.
"I love you too. That's why I....fought for you." He gave me his mocking lopsided smile. Little did I know it'd be the last one. His hand slid down my cheek and my lips parted to scream at him.
Travis! Why did you do that!?
Footsteps racked my thoughts. I turned to see Laurence, Aphmau laying limp in his arms.
"Laurence....why do you have Aphmau." I looked at Travis and his eyes were shut, never to see the world again. His emerald eyes made tears seek into my eyes. I brought him closer to me chest, seeking comfort in the situation. Laurence froze, a dirty look planted in his face. He scolded and he ran by me with only a word to plant into my chest and into Travis pale heart.
He continued running with Aphmau and I looked at Travis.
I love you. But Aphmau may still be alive.
I planted a kiss on his cold forehead.
"I'll be back."
I looked at Laurence, now boarding the enemies ship.
That dirty.... He's with them! Aphmau is in danger...
I grabbed my sword and ran to the bay. The ship sailed over and My eyes locked with his.
"Laurence! Aphmau! Laurence you bastard!you did this! You killed them... You killed Travis!" anger clawed up my throat. He betrayed Aphmau. She loved him...No. He betrayed all of us. We all loved him. And he killed His people, with a smile at that.
"I'm going to kill you." I let the words slip with satisfaction and Laurence laughed. My eyes burned with infuriation and my hands swelled with disgust. I looked him eye to eye and he clinched.
I'm not joking, this time.
He turned away and met face to face with Travis murderer. He shone hands with him and smiled. He was laughing at me. At Travis.
I looked back to see Travis lying on the sand. I picked him up and I began to cry.
"Help! Please! Please...Travis!" I ran to the village and the village mocked me with silence. Not even the birds chirped. I dropped to my knees and buried my face into Travis neck, just like he always did.
"What do I do?"

Stay with me (Laurmau) ~Completed~Where stories live. Discover now