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(Aphmaus POV)
Laurence freezes and I realize why. Our faces are just a few inches apart. I see his eyes soften,and he puts his hand on my cheek. I jump a little since ,when it comes to Laurence,I'm pretty much a nervous wreck. He smirks. He leans in and I tense up. Is he going to.....kiss me? Just then I hear the door knob rattle. I push Laurence into a corner and I stand up. Its Zoey.
"Aphmau? Are you alright I thought I heard a lot of noise." she runs her eyes.
"Mhm never been better." I give her a awkward smile. I see her study my face. She looks at me very attentively.
"Hi, Laurence." she simply says. She smiles when my expression says she hit bullseye. Laurence slowly creeps from the corner and awkwardly waves at Zoey. She then closed the door behind her. Laurence and I glance at each other and burst out laughing.
"I gave it away didn't I?" I say my head resting in Laurence's lap.
" did look like a tomato and, I mean, who else could make you that red." he grins at me.I roll my eyes. I need a snarky comeback. Bingo.
"Well, Garroth and I have had a few moments here and there..." I share his same grin, which is now replaced with a surprised look.
"Pshhht. As if, he can't even hold your hand without breaking down into stutters."
"You're right he can't." Laurence looks pleased but, I'm not done yet."but he can kiss me." although we have kissed before I was the one to kiss him. The word kiss is enough to get to him.
"You're......kidding right?" he looks at me.
"And.......if I wasn't?" he thinks for a bit. Then his smile returns. He's got something good.
"Well. Even if you did I doubt he's a better kiss then I am." he says, cockiness in his tone.
"I don't know.......he was pretty good." which wasn't a lie. He's still got that smirk wiped across his face.
"Then let me convince you." he leans into my face and kisses me gently. I link my arms around his neck and I slowly lift myself up, still sharing our kiss. He turns me around so now my back is to the wall. He keeps kissing me but, more deeply. I'm falling in love with him all over again. We break out kiss and we share a smile.
"Did I win?"
"By far." I smile.
He pulls me into another kiss. I want this to last forever and ever. We loosen up. We continue kissing for a while and then decide to head into the village. He waves me good bye when he said he needed to head to the guard post. Well, he kissed me goodbye. Their wasn't much I nDr r teeded to attend to. Ever since Alexis got back to normal,there hasn't been a lot of problems. I roam around. I see the stranger leaning against a tree. I walk up to him and he sighs.
"...hey." I lean against the tree,next to him.
"What?" he snaps,his tone cold. I can tell he doesn't like me. The only reason he's helping us because Zane is involved.
"N-nothing, I just had nothing to do so I was checking on everyone and-" I was cut off by him."well, I'm fine."
"R-right" with that I leave with a shiver down my spine. Something about that guy is I head down to the plaza. Its empty without Logan. Even though he could be a jerk, he was still my friend and it was nice to have him around. I sigh and walk home. Actually, I can spend today with the kids. I smile and I dash home, not wanting to waste another minute. I let Zoey take a break, while I played with the boys.we played and played until yawns became most of our conversation. They quickly snuggled into their beds.
"Good night mom." Malachi gives my a tired, but bright smile.I turn to Levin and find he's already fast asleep.I place a kiss on both their foreheads and close the door. I find it's already night. I head to my room. I close my door and find Laurence sitting on my bed. He looks up at me, he looks tired. I wonder how long he's been here. "Laurence? What are you doing here?" I pull of my boots and place my hair in a ponytail. He gets up and hugs me from behind which startled me.
(Laurence's POV)
I hug Aphmau from behind and she jumps a little.
"Laurence? Are you okay?" she places her hand on top of mine.
"I am now." I snuggle my head into her back. She turns around and cups my face. "Did something happen?" she asks concern written in her face. I wanted to tell her. Garroth and I got in a fight. It was bad. I'm hurting and he is too. I don't think we are friends anymore. We fought and said and did some hurtful things. I did some awful things. And I regret it I really do.I wanted to tell her so bad, but I couldn't. what would Aphmau think?
"N-no.I just had..,,a long day" I lean my head on her shoulder. She hugs me. "I'm sorry Laurence, but why are you here? You should be getting down rest." I give her a weak smile."I wanted to see you." She smile softly at those words. I give her a quick kiss and she returned it. That night went a lot farther than I planned.
Here is a little chibi drawing of our ship!#larmau

This was just a quick little doodle for you guys! Love ya!

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