Beautiful Name For A Beautiful Girl

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"I'll be back before dark!" I call to my brother who was upstairs, probably playing on his Xbox so much that he didn't even hear me.

I shut the door before walking down the street to meet my friend for lunch.

Suddenly, my phone begins buzzing in my bag and I begin digging through my unorganised handbag for my cellphone.

Grabbing it, I look up before slamming into someone. "I'm so sorry, I-"

"My fault." A charming guy with a British accent says.

For a moment we just look at each other.

I break the silence with a scoff as I pick up my phone. "I was looking for this thing." I state. "It's never where I put it."

"Well you have to keep an eye on the things that you love." He says. "I always do."

Looking up at him, I give him a small smile. "I'm Danielle."

"A beautiful name for a beautiful girl." He says.

"Am I ever going to find out your name?"

"Klaus." He smirks. "I must say it's a rarity to find someone unfamiliar of my name."

"Well it's a pretty rare name." I laugh. My phone begins buzzing in my hand. "I have to take this." I say, knowing it's Lola. "I hope to see you again sometime soon."

"I can assure you that you will, love." He says before walking past me.

Stunned by his beauty, personally and accent. I pause before quickly remembering Lola.

"Where are you?" She snaps as soon as I put the phone to my ear.

"Right around the corner, I'll be there soon." I reply, quickly hanging up so she can't bite my head off about me being five minutes late.

I begin walking.

"Finally." My best friend Lola says as I sit down.

"Sorry I'm late but I have a good excuse." I tell her.

"Which is?"

"There was this guy." I state.

"Ooh go on." She smiles, clasping her hands together.

"That's it." I say. "He's called Klaus and he's lovely."

"Klaus? What kind of name is that?" She questions.

"He's British." I tell her. "Or just posh."

"That's all your giving me?"

"Yes." I answer.

"Well then if you're done let me tell you about my horrible day..." She says before continuing to tell me about how McDonald's messed her order up.

Listening to Lola talk about her awful day, I sip my smoothie. I wanted to care about what she was saying, I really did, but she had just been rewording the same thing that happened to her for the past twenty minutes.

Glancing behind her I notice a guy, a familiar guy that I could never mistake anyone else for. Klaus. Did he follow me?

"That's him." I say in a quiet voice, darting my eyes to him before back at her.

Quickly, she turns around and looks at him before snapping her head back to me.

Klaus's POV:

"He's hot." Danielle's friend, Lola, says in a hushed voice.

"He's alright." Danielle retorts. The grin that was on my face naturally fades into a smirk, knowing she didn't mean that. I look up at her and meet her gaze across the room.

"Go talk to him." Lola orders which makes Danielle quickly look at her.


"Or I will." Lola grins, standing up.

"You wouldn't." Danielle snaps.

"Watch me."

Lola struts over to me and stands before my table. "Klaus hi, I'm Lola." She says with a big smile.

Smiling, I look up into her eyes. "Lovely, go and get your pretty little friend Danielle for me." I compel her.

"I'm going to go and get Danielle." Lola grins before walking back over to the girls table and grabbing Danielle's hand.

A few moments later of Danielle refusing, the two girls walk back over to my table. "Hi." Danielle says with a small smile.

"Lola, could you give us a minute?" I ask her, knowing she doesn't have a choice in responding.

"Sure." The preppy little blonde says before skipping back over to her seat.

"Take a seat." I smile at Danielle.

"Lola will kill me if I keep her waiting long." Danielle scoffs.

"Some how, I see her not having a problem with this." I state.

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