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Klaus's POV:

"Danielle." I say, dropping to my knees beside her. I take her cold hand and stare down at her face.

"She was fearless Nick." Elijah says.

"And it got her killed." I say in a quiet voice.

I hear the front door open and within a second Kol, Rebekah and Finn are standing around us.

"What happened?" Kol questions, his tone said a million words; he was heartbroken, as was I. "Who did this?"

"The witch." Elijah replies.

Getting up, I look to the dark haired witch that lies dead in the street along side my father's burning body.

"We should of made him suffer." I spit.

"Shut up Nik! If it wasn't for your petty revenges this probably wouldn't of happened!" Rebekah sobs as Finn hugs her.

"I had to make sure he didn't get away." Elijah says, his voice blank and emotionless where as mine is now full of rage.

I place a knee next to the witch and rip his heart from his chest to try and feel better but it didn't and deep down I knew nothing would.

For a minute we all just stand and look at her in ore, the only sound are Rebekah's loud sobs and for once I can hear the sounds I enjoyed most; Danielle's voice, her heartbeat, her laugh.

"I can't believe I forgot." Kol laughs, standing up from Danielle's side. He begins laughing like a lunatic and cheering.

"Kol you really are a heartless bastard." Rebekah snaps.

Grabbing his collar and throwing his against the gate outside our house I pick up the stake my father had intended on using on Elijah and holding it to Kol's chest. "You dare to laugh at a time like this!" I yell at him, trying my best to fight off the urge to kill him.

"Bring her inside." Kol says with a large grin.

"Why? What have you done?" I question.

"Just do it." Kol orders.

Unsure I drop the stake and walk over to Danielle's body, just seeing her like this made me want to masquer a village.

"Nik." Rebekah says, staring into then distance where a dark haired woman stands.

I hand Danielle into Elijah's arms.

"Go inside." I order Rebekah.

"You're Klaus, right?" She questions.

"You've made a bad choice coming here tonight as I'm afraid I'm not in the best of moods." I say, walking over to her and taking her by the neck.

"My name is Kelly." She chokes out.

I drop her.

"Danielle asked me to show you and your daughter mercy." I tell her. "You're lucky she liked you."

"I am so sorry for what happened to her." Kelly says. "I overheard Mikael and Jerald talking, I was on my way to alert you but by the time I got here it was already happening."

"I showed you kindness once now go before I change my mind." I say to her before heading inside.

I follow sound of sobs up he stairs and into Danielle's room which she barely used now, most nights she spent in my bed. I should've taken her on that date I'd promised her.

"Kol wipe that smirk off your face and tell the means to your happiness." I hiss.

"Nik I know your going to want to kill me and hug me for this so I'll accept neither." Kol says.

"Get to the point Kol." Elijah snaps.

Suddenly, Danielle's eyes open and she gasps for air, sitting up.

"I fed Danielle my blood." Kol says.

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