Guilty Pleasure Of Torture

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"When dessert is bought out all of you will hold him down and I will drive this stake through his heart." Klaus says, pulling out the white oak state.

"You really think it will be that easy?" Rebekah asks.

"If not, we do what we always do: we fight."

"I think you're forgetting about a small issue." Kol says.

"And what would that be?"

"It says if we try anything he'll kill Danielle." Kol replies.

"That won't be a problem." Klaus says.

"Why not?" Rebekah asks.

"Because she won't be there." Klaus answers.

"Yes I will." I snap. "I'm not letting Ze get killed because I didn't show up to a stupid dinner party."


"Don't Klaus." I say. "Ze will not die on my account."

"New plan: dessert arrives, Kol will take Danielle to the car and the rest of you will hold Mikael down whilst I end him."

"Sounds good, for once." Rebekah says.

"Then everyone get ready, we have dinner at the palace." Elijah says before turning back into his room.

Just like everyone else I change into something a little more dinner worthy. I curl my hair and slide into my dress.

Walking past Klaus's room I notice the door a crack open and hear Rebekah talking.

"You're trusting Kol with Danielle?" Rebekah questions.

"I don't like it but if they do get attacked he is the best fighter out of the lot of you." Klaus says. "And I know you, Elijah and Finn love Danielle but if it comes down to it Kol will fight with passion to keep her safe and I know he would choose her over himself."

"It's rude to earwig Danielle." Rebekah says.

"Sorry." I say, walking in.

"You look beautiful love." Klaus says, taking my hand.

"Well I was just going to put on any old dress but then I remembered I'm dining with the most over the top family around and dressed up a little more." I laugh.

"Well you do look lovely." Rebekah says.

"So do you." I smile. "I'll go see if the others are done."

Klaus smiles at me before letting go of my hand.

"You look stunning." Elijah says as I pass him in the hall.

"And you as dashing as ever." I smile, continuing to walk. Elijah always wore suits, it was a rare occasion he wasn't in one, presentation was everything for him. I wonder if he slept in one?

"Finn are you-"

"Busy? Yes." He says, turning into his room.

I turn into Kol's room to see him admiring himself in front of the mirror in a tux.

"Danielle, what a pleasant surprise." Kol says, seeing me in the mirror.

"I can come back if you're busy." I say.

"Come on in, tell me how good I look."

"Right." I eye roll.

"Forgive me, your appearance has made me rather speechless." Kol says, admiring my dress.

"Somehow I find that hard to believe." I smile, sitting on his bed.

"Today people." Klaus says, barging in.

"Jealous I've got your girl alone in my room?" Kol smirks

"Oh go back to staring at yourself." Klaus spits before turning out of the room again.

All six of us load into the back of the limo and the compelled driver begins doing his job.

"Have you got the stake?" Finn asks.

Klaus nods.

"This whole plan is insane." I sigh.

"Forgive us, our family does have a guilty pleasure in torture." Kol smirks.

"Especially the two of you." Rebekah says, looking at Klaus and Kol.

"What can I say? Everyone has a hobby." Klaus chuckles.

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