In The Woods

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I tell him everything that happened since we daggered him, including about my brother.

"So you're brother knows about us yet Rebekah left him alive?" Kol questions.

"Yes and you're not going to kill him." I state. "Rebekah also compelled him not to tell anyone so even if he wanted to he couldn't."

"You think I'm a murdering psycho, don't you?" He laughs.

"Yes actually I do." I reply.

Kol laughs before getting out of the car, shutting the door.

"The woods?" I question.

"Somewhere quiet." He replies.

I nod, shutting my door and the two of us walk into the dark woods.

"So do you have a plan to kill Mikael?"

I shake my head.

"Then Niklaus isn't telling you everything, he always has a plan." Kol says.

"Feels like it." I sigh.

Kol stops, pulling me to a stop by my elbow. "He probably just doesn't want to involve you."

"As soon as Mikael touched Jason I was in involved." I snap.

"He's trying to prevent you from being put in further danger, just like we all."

"You all think I'm so weak." I sigh.

"You're lovely Danielle but you're still a weak human." Kol scoffs.

I roll my eyes, continuing to walk. "These woods look like they belong in a horror film, I keep waiting for an axe murderer to come running out."

"Well I'm here with you, I'll die happy darling." Kol says.

"Stop that." I snap, turning to him and crossing my arms.

"Stop what?"

"Calling me darling and trying to be funny."

"I'm not trying, I am funny." Kol chuckles. "Danielle where's your bracelet?"

As I look down to my wrist I hear a slightly familiar voice. "Thank you for coming Danielle, not that you had a choice anyway." Mikael says, tossing the bracelet forward.

I step forth to pick it up but Kol stretches his arm out in front of me, pushing me a few a few steps behind him before he steps in front of me. "Now I did hope you'd bring Niklaus with you not Kol."

"What?" I gasp.

"He compelled you Danielle, to come here."

"But I don't- we never talked!"

"He erased your memories. I assume he got in whilst no one owned the house." Kol says.

"Very smart Kol." Mikael says mockingly.

"What do you want?" Kol snaps.

"Well I was hoping to just take her-"

"She's not going with you." Kol hisses.

"I figured you'd say that." Mikael says. "So I bought a back up. Come on out."

Out from behind a tree steps Charlotte, her eyes filled with tears. Shakily, she walks over to him.

"Charlotte!" I exclaim, running forward.

Swiftly, Kol wraps his arms around me, pulling me back into him. He latches his arms around my ribs, holding my arms down. "Kol let go of me."

"I think it's a fair trade, Charlottes life for yours." Mikael says.

"Yes." I nod.

"'No deal." Kol says, overpowering my voice.

"Well then." Mikael says, pulling out a knife.

"No please! Don't!" I exclaim. "You say Klaus and all your other children are monsters and abominations but you're the one about to kill a child!"

"You think Klaus hasn't killed children before?"

"Then be better than them. Please, please don't do this."

"You think your psychology will work on me?" He questions.

"How did you..."

"I know all about you Danielle Holland. You're friends like Lola, your mom, your brother." He says. "And I will kill them all unless I have you by my side or Niklaus's head on a stick."

Tears stream down my face as I realise how easy this will be for him. "Let go of me Kol!" I scream, trying to rip his arm off me.

I struggle and fight as much as I can but I am not match for Kol.

"Why don't you just kill me father?" Kol asks.

"Klaus first, then all of you will be easy." He replies. "Besides you're not on my kill list today."

"Danielle." Charlotte sobs.

"Everything's going to be okay Charlotte, I promise it will." I tell her.

She shakes her head as Mikael puts his hand on her shoulder and draws the knife to her neck.

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