Losing Leverage

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"On the day you found this out I promised to keep you safe and that's what I intend to do." Klaus says.

"And you've tried, you've told me what to do but this is my choice now." I argue before stepping past him. My next obstacle Kol.

"Give up darling." He says.

I glance down at my watch to see it's 8:45.

Quickly, I knee Kol in the balls before throwing the door open and running down the driveway.

I make it halfway before I see Klaus a few meters in front of me and behind me Rebekah and Elijah.

"If it was Rebekah, Elijah or anyone of your siblings you'd let me do it, so why not my family?" I question.

Suddenly, Klaus vamps speeds to me, throws me over his shoulder and zooms upstairs. He drops me down on the bed before speeding back out of the room, slamming the door.

"Klaus no!" I exclaim, running to the door. As I expected, it was locked.


Walking back over to the window I had opened I stare down at the taunting ground.

With no other choice I throw some pillows out of the window and hope for the best as I climb out of it.

Looking down I shut my eyes and drop.

The landing was unexpected. I peel my eyes open to see I'm in Elijah's arms.

He puts me down and I open my mouth to talk but he places a finger on my lip before walking with me out of the driveway.

"I understand your family is important to you but that was very dangerous and stupid." Elijah tells me.

"What other choice did I have?" I question.

"Your family is very important to you, you'd do anything for them and that is a quality you and I share." Elijah says before taking my hand. "But you are my family now which means I cannot allow you to do this."

"Elijah please." I plead. "My brother has been through so much already and the other two have no idea what's going on; they must be so scared."

Elijah pauses, I can see him thinking and levelling out his options.


"Alright but- ahh!" Elijah begins to yell out as a man walks towards the driveway holding his palm out.

Elijah drops to the ground still yelling out in pain. Mikael appears along side the man, standing over Elijah with the stake in his hand.

"I'll just have to settle for you now." Mikael says.

"Go." Elijah chokes out to me.

I scramble over Elijah, placing my hands on the ground beside him and leaning over his body. "If you want to kill him you'll have to kill me: an innocent human and not to mention your leverage." I say.

"Okay." Mikael looks to the witch who twists his wrists in a sharp action-

Klaus's POV:

The plan Elijah and I had formed was working perfectly, Mikael had shown up as planned and I was waiting with the stake.

Quickly, turning my father I ram the stake into his heart, looking him in the eyes.

Elijah quickly gets up and snaps the witches neck. Mikael drops to the ground and instant ignites.

I smile as I watch my fathers body burn and I feel a large weight be lifted off my shoulder.

"Brother." Elijah says in a low voice, crouched one the ground.

"Don't look so glum Elijah it's over." I chuckle.

Elijah looks to Danielle on the ground who I thought had gotten back inside. He brushes the hair off her face and I notice a tear drizzle down his cheek.

I listen for her heart beat but do not hear one.

Something shifts inside of me, I just stare at her unable to form an expression that isn't my blank one.

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