Heads Will Roll

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Danielle's POV:

"Well you have my number so call me if you need anything." Klaus says as I rise from my seat.

"I will."

"And I'll see you tomorrow night."

Walking back over to Lola I await the rant she will of prepared for me. Sitting, I stare at her.

"What?" She asks.

"I ditched you for like half an hour to talk to some guy I just met, I'm waiting for your speech." I explain.

"No speech, I'm happy for you." She grins. "He's a catch!"

"Lola? Are you in there?" I question with a laugh.

"Ha ha very funny." She eye rolls. "Are you guys going out?"

"Tomorrow night." I reply.

"Then lets go get you ready." She says, standing up.

I look over at where Klaus was sat to see he's gone, even the book he was reading and the plate he ate from; there's not a trace he even existed. If Lola didn't meet him I'd say it was a dream.

"Today!" Lola exclaims from the door way.

"Coming." I sling my bag over my shoulder before rushing to catch up with her. We get into her car and she drives us to the mall.

Klaus's POV:

"Something's different." My sister, Rebekah, state an hour after I arrive home.

"With what?" I question from the leather arm chair.

"You." She says. "You've been quiet and nice, and smiling!"

"Aren't I aloud to be happy?" I ask with a laugh.

"I'd encourage it whilst it lasts." My brother, Kol, speaks up from the bar which is where he spent most of his days.

"Who's the girl?" Rebekah asks, sitting opposite me.

"Klaus, have a girl!?" Kol exclaims. "That's unlikely."

"Nearly impossible." Finn adds, looking up from the book he was nose deep in.

"Why couldn't I have a girl?" I question with a chuckle at my siblings doubts.

"No one likes you." Rebekah says.

"Plus you have exceedingly high expectations and say you don't have time for it." Kol adds.

"Alright children," Elijah says with a scoff, entering the room. "Mikael is around south."

"Oh Elijah don't dampen the mood with talk of our father." I say, standing up.

"Our father." Kol corrects me.

"See, that's what I'm talking about! You always want to know the whereabouts of Mikael." Rebekah states.

"I must admit you do seem rather chipper brother." Elijah says.

"Her name is Danielle." I admit, flopping down on to the couch.

"I knew it! Tell me all about her." Rebekah smiles.

"Dear sister." I chuckle. "I would rather shoot myself in the foot."

"And he's back." Finn says with a scoff, looking back down to his book.

"Well you have to at least show me the girl." Rebekah sighs.

"Fine." I huff. "I'm taking her out for dinner tomorrow night, you can see her then."

"I'll admit, I'm intrigued. I want to see the girl that shows interest in my god awful brother." Kol smirks.

"She could be useful. Does she know of any other vampires in town?" Elijah asks.

"She's not a vampire Elijah." I tell him.

"Werewolf?" He questions.

"Human." I answer.

"Oh Nik." Rebekah sighs, sitting next to me on the couch and tipping her head up at the ceiling. "You sure can choose them."

"How do you plan on this epic romance turning out?" Kol questions with a smirk, appearing next to my ear. "You tell her your a hybrid and one of the oldest vampires and she loves you anyway...? Because that won't happen."

"You haven't met her Kol." I tell him, getting up and heading upstairs to my bedroom.

I listen in on my siblings talking downstairs.

"This is absurd." Finn states, closing his book and standing up.

"I think it'll be good for Nik." Rebekah says.

"To fall for a human?" Finn questions.

"To fall in love." Rebekah corrects him.

"He'll get his heart broken and we'll be left to pick up the trail of bodies he leaves in anger." Kol argues.

"You've had your fair share of impulsive kills." Elijah states.

"If the way he speaks of her is true then maybe things will be okay. And if his heart does get broken, then it'll remind him he has one, even if it doesn't function normally." Rebekah explains.

"Well I'll see her tomorrow and if I don't think she's as hyped up as Nik has made her to be; I'll kill her." Kol says.

I speed down the stairs and within half a second after his comment I throw him against the wall and wrap my hand around his throat. "You will not lay a hand on her." I bellow. "Do you understand me?"

"Nik!" Rebekah exclaims.

"Do you?" I ask him.

Kol doesn't answer, just gives me a testing smirk.

"Enough Niklaus." Elijah says, pulling me off Kol and standing between us.

"Touch her and I'll have your head on a stick."

"And I'll have hers rolling." Kol snaps.


"I will be there." Elijah says. "He will not lay a finger on her, I assure you brother."

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