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When we get back four tens have already been set up, Kol dumps the twigs in the middle and Elijah pulls out a lighter.

"Why do you casually have a lighter on you?" I ask.

"You never know when it will come in handy." He retorts, sitting back.

* * * *

For hours we sit together, talking and roasting marshmallows.

But the guilt is eating me up inside and I can no longer lie to Klaus, all his family know what happened in the kitchen and it's unfair to swear them to secrecy, I must tell Klaus.

* * * * *

"We need to talk." I sigh, sitting next to Klaus.

"Problem?" Klaus questions.

"Depends." I reply, getting up.

Klaus follows me behind our tent, I know the others can still hear us but it's easier to do it without them staring at me.

"What is it love?" Klaus asks.

"Yesterday, something happened with Kol." I try to explain but words refuse to leave my lips. This is much harder than I thought.

"What did he do?" Klaus scoffs.

"Kol- Kol..." The words form in my head but won't leave my lips: he deserves the truth. "Kol kissed me."

"Then he will die." Klaus says.

"No Klaus, it wasn't just him. I didn't stop him, in fact I kissed him back. If you're going to blame anyone blame me."

"I'll blame you after his death." Klaus says.

"I was never meant to happen. This whole vampire thing has me messed up." I explain, following him back to the fire. "He is your brother Klaus."

"What's going on?" Rebekah asks.

"Kol kissed my girl." Klaus says. "Now he will burn until I come up with a more permanent solution."

"Saw this coming." Kol says, standing up. "Why are you even surprised Nick?"

"I knew you were stupid but not this dumb. Did you really think I wouldn't find out?"

"Call it hope." Kol chuckles.

"I'd love to see you laugh with your head across the room." Klaus smirks. "Or a dagger in your heart."

"Oh here we go again with the same old dagger threat." Kol snaps.

"This time it's not a threat, it's a promise."

Klaus speeds to Kol but Kol saw it coming and switches places with him.

Klaus does it again without warning, this time throwing Kol through the air and into the tree. "She is my girlfriend!" Klaus yells.

"Yet she has an interest for me." Kol laugh, dry blood under his nose.

"Why do you make things worse for yourself?" Klaus asks.

They begin to fight, Kol blocking most of Klaus's moves.

"What do we do?" I ask Elijah.

"There's not much we can do." He replies.

"Children stop!" Rebekah yells.

"Kol doesn't listen to anyone apart from his ego." Elijah says.

"He listens to Danielle." Rebekah says.

"Klaus! Kol!" I yell but I'm ignored.

"Unless he's seeing red." Elijah adds.

"Well they're both raging, how do we stop that?" I ask.

"They won't kill each other." Rebekah says.

Klaus pulls Kol's hand over the fire and allows it to burn but Kol breaks free, picking up a sharpened branch.

"Permanently." She adds.

"The only stake that can kill us is the white oak." Elijah says. "That'll merely keep Niklaus out for half an hour if we're lucky."

"I can't have one of them get hurt because of me especially Klaus, he didn't do anything." I say.

"You'd be foolish to intervene." Elijah says.

"Haven't I been foolish since the moment I stayed?" I ask before walking closer to Klaus and Kol who are still fighting.

"Please stop!"

I am ignored.

Suddenly, Kol wraps a hand around Klaus's throat and throws the sharpened branch forward.

It broke my heart to see Klaus in danger so I did everything I could to protect him.

My breath was taken away as I looked down I saw my heart was punctured.

The Mikaelson Family (Klaus Mikaelson)Where stories live. Discover now