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Without saying a word I take a bag of chips from the cupboard, turning around to see Kol stood in front of me with blood down his shirt. "I need a favour." Kol says.

I set the chips aside. "Oh hey Kol, my neck is fine by the way thanks for asking I really appreciate your concern." I snap.

Kol stares down at me, his expression softens. "When I fed from you.... when I drank your blood part of me died inside. But I will make it up to you Danielle. I would never hurt you, not intentionally." He says.

"Why should I believe you?" I ask, pulling the dagger out from my jean pocket.

"Because I love you Danielle."

Although his words affected me I knew this was the perfect time. Swiftly, I stab the dagger into his heart, he grabs my wrist and looks at me.

His hand discolours and he lets go of me before dropping to the ground. "I'll handle him." Klaus says, walking in. "I've got a coffin upstairs with his name on it, literally."

Like nothing Klaus picks him up and throws him over his shoulder before walking out again.

"Clean up duty." Finn says, seeing the mess he left behind. "Lovely."

"You did the right thing you know." Elijah says.

"How do you do it?" I ask him. "You're so honourable, polite and respected, how do you deal with killing?"

"I only kill those who deserve it." He says. "You haven't killed anyone, you are still as pure as you were yesterday."

"We'll put the dagger out eventually and he'll be fine." Rebekah says. "It'll be exactly the same."

"Accept he'll hate me." I sigh.

"He could never." Rebekah says.

* * * * *

The next morning I awaken in my bed but not alone, Klaus's arm is wrapped protectively around me and I'm snuggled up to his chest.

I look up at him, smiling. "Morning love." He says.

"How'd you know? Your eyes were shut." I object, sitting up.

"Hybrid." Is all he says before getting up and putting on a shirt.

"If you're all vampires then why do you have food in your house?" I ask, I'd been wondering this for a while now.

"Well if we ever have human company, like the government or anyone we like to look as normal as possible." Klaus replies.

"Can't you just compel them?" I ask, getting up and changing into some black shorts, a striped black top and a thin denim jacket.

"It's risky, some counsels and governments have their vampire suspicions." He answers.

"When are we going to pull the dagger out of Kol?"

"Well I'd like to leave it in him forever but I know that happen." Klaus laughs.

"You got that right." I say before walking to the door. "When he bit me," I sigh turning back to him. "He was drunk, I could smell the alcohol in his breathe."

"No excuse will ever make it okay." Klaus says, buttoning up his shirt, not even sparing me a look.

"Good morning Danielle." Elijah greets, passing me on his way into the library.


I turn into the kitchen and memories of last night come flooding back, I look over to where the blood mess of girls once was to see it completely cleared, not even a drop of blood. "Finn did a really good job at removing all that." I say as Klaus walks in.

"It's as if they were never here." Klaus replies.

"Where does he put them?"

"Luckily we live right next to the woods, so it's not difficult." Klaus smirks.

I nod before opening the cupboard and reaching up for a bowl, instantly realising I'm about half a foot to short.

"Want some help love?" Klaus laughs from behind me.

"No, I got it." I reply, climbing on to the counter below it.

"Eh hem." Klaus coughs, I turn around to see him already with a bowl in his hand.

"Keep that for yourself." I scowl.

"I don't eat." He laughs. "However I can so I shall."

I stick my tongue out at him causing a smirk to appear on his face. I reach up and take a bowl before placing it on the counter and closing the door.

I feel Klaus's hands around my ankle and as I squirm, I fall which Klaus had clearly planned as he catches me over his shoulder. "Klaus!" I exclaim, smacking his butt which was very accessible to me right now.

"I'll just come back later." Rebekah says awkwardly the doorway.

"Sorry." I sigh, pushing myself off Klaus.

"Oh Rebekah, always the spoil sport." Klaus chuckles before kissing my head and walking out the room, passing the bowl to Rebekah as he passes her.

"What!" I question at Rebekah's judgey yet smirky look as I pull my jacket back over my shoulder which had fallen aside in the process of Klaus swinging me around.

"Nothing." She grins, holding her hands up in defeat.

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