Don't Look

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"He's one of them." I tell Elijah, seeing the man talking to Danielle.

We exchange a look before walking over to them. "All done?" I ask Danielle.

"Yeah." She replies. "This is Simon, he was just telling me about the towns history; said there used to be vampires."

"Well that's all made up history." I scoff. "Shall we go?"

"Just hang on a minute." Simon says, grabbing Danielle's bicep.

"Let her go." I snarl. "Before you get hurt."

"Pretty brave acting tough when I could tear into her neck at any moment." He says, letting go of her arm. My eyes shift to Danielle's to see the confusion and disgust in her face.

"What?" She questions him.

"I think it's time to go." Elijah says. The three of us take a few steps towards the limo.

"Take her, get her. Just know I'll still find her or someone else will."

Danielle's POV:

Klaus swings his arm around my shoulders and holds me close to him. "What is he talking about?" I ask, looking up at Klaus, noticing he understands the whole conversation.

"Don't worry about it love." He replies.

"Mikael is close. He will want her." He says before stepping towards us but he suddenly freezes on the spot, pain in his eyes.

He drops forward and behind him stands a guy with what looks like a heart in his hand. At first I thought it was a sick joke until I saw the mans body on the ground, a clear hole in his back.

I take gasp before my breathing quickens as my eyes tear up and my knees go weak. I cling to Klaus's shirt and his grip around my shoulders tighten. A tear drizzles from my eye; I don't know why.


"Kol." Elijah says in a disgusted tone.

"You're welcome." The guy who I assume is Kol says.

"He was compelled." Elijah says.

"Still a vampire." Kol says. "I just solved part of our problem."

"And I solved the other half." A blonde girl says from behind us. Her hands bloody and red splattered over her outfit.

"Oh shoot." She says, noticing me tucked under Klaus's jacket.

I stand, staring at them. Unsure of what to do. Unsure I can even do anything.

I was so shocked, I couldn't even move.

Klaus grabs my shoulders and forces me to look at him. "Don't be afraid, forget everything you saw tonight." He orders.

"Forget? How could I forget this?" I question, my lip trembling.

Klaus looks up at Elijah. "Why can't she be compelled?"

"Let's just get her out of here for now." Kol says.

"I'm not going anywhere with you." I snap. "You just killed that man."

"That man was a vampire." Kol snaps.

"They don't exist." I state.

"If that's what you think then you're in for a hell of a night."

"Enough Kol." Elijah says.

"Come on." Klaus says.

"Lets say they are real, are there more?"

"Not anymore." The blonde girl says.

"We don't think." Elijah sighs.

"Well is it a yes or a no because if there is I'm not leaving my family here tonight." I state.

"Get her in the damn limo and get her back." Kol mutters under his breath.

"Shut up Kol." Klaus snaps.

"What are you going to do with him?" I ask, looking down at Simon who's eyes are still open.

"Don't look love, you'll never unsee it." Klaus says, covering my eyes. He pulls me back and when he never removes his hand I'm inside the limo.

We ride back in silence.

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