Releasing Kol

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Just over an hour later I've signed all the papers Rebekah and Finn compelled a man to help me sign and I was now legal owner of the house.

"Knock knock." Klaus says in a sarcastic voice from the door.

"I like this power." I laugh.

"Don't let it go to your head love." Klaus smiles falsely.

"Elijah, Rebekah, Finn, would you like to come into my house?" I ask.

"We'd love to." Rebekah smirks, stepping forth into the house with her siblings.

"May I help you Klaus?" I ask, leaning against the doorframe.

"Very funny." Klaus says, turning around.

"You're lucky Mikael is after you otherwise I'd leave you out there for a few days." I scoff.

"I can see Mikael, quick Rebekah get the stake!" He yells, looking down the road.

"Come in Klaus, come in!" I exclaim, yanking his arm and pulling him inside.

"Oh no, just a bird." He smirks, passing me.

I shut the door, scowling at him.

"You love it really." Klaus grins, walking over to me and placing his hands on my waist before kissing my neck. Instantly I want to moan, we barely got to spend any time alone even his touch made me want him.

"I hate to intervene brother but we still have Mikael to deal with." Elijah says with his arms crossed. "He wants to kidnap your girlfriend in order to kill you, remember?"

"Coming dear brother." Klaus sighs.

"Klaus," I says, grabbing his hand and pulling him back to me. "After all this is over and Mikael is dead, promise me we can have some time alone?"

"I've already got it planned love." Klaus smiles before following Elijah down the hallway and to his office.

* * * * *

I sit on the bed with my legs crossed, almost drowning in the white sea of sheets.

They're so afraid of Mikael.
I've never even seen Klaus afraid of anything.
Mikael is powerful, it'll take all of them to defeat him but what if one of them gets hurt in the process?
They need all the help they can get to take him down, I feel so insignificant.

Inspired by my thoughts I get up and walk to the end of the hall where I make a pile of pillows and stand on it so I can reach the cord, dangling from the attack.

I tug on it, forcing stairs to come down which I instantly climb.

The attic is dusty and creepy; everything a good attic should be. And what didn't help were the large coffins.

Stealthily, I creeping across the creaky floorboards, knowing Klaus would stop me if he even knew I was thinking about doing this. I stop in front of Kol's coffin and open it to see his discoloured skin.

"Please don't make me regret this." I mutter before wrapping my hands around the dagger that's still lodged in his chest. I take a deep breath before ripping it out.

I watch as nothing happens.

I kind of expected it to be like a Jack-in-the-Box where you pull it and something happens, but no, that would be too easy.

For the next five minutes I stand waiting but still nothing so I sit beside his coffin and wait for movement.

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