Vervain Bracelet

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"I'm trying to figure out our compulsion problem with you, is there anything with names in your family you can tell me about?"

"Not really." I say. "I never met my dad, my mom is called Sue, my brother is called Jason and my sisters name is Charlotte, they're all pretty basic."

"I like the same Charlotte." Rebekah smiles.

"Well my mom wanted three boys, she ended up with two girls and a boy. So she called me Danielle because she wanted a boy called Dan, then my sister Charlotte so she could nickname her Charlie." I explain with a laugh.

"Harsh." Kol laughs from the corner which everyone ignores.

Klaus walks through the door and walks over to Elijah. "How's your hand babe?" Klaus mocks in an American accent.

"That's how we talk?" I question.

"Yes." He replies. "Just your modern era."

"My hand is fine." I smile.

Klaus's POV:

"Would you want a girl?" Rebekah asks.

"I wouldn't mind." Danielle smiles. "But with the way things turn out in my family I'll probably get a daughter."

"What would you call her?" Rebekah asks.

"Hope." She replies.

"Why?" Elijah speaks up.

"It would remind the both of us to always have it." I smile. "And show that it's never gone."

"I like the way she thinks." Elijah says to me as Rebekah and Danielle continue to talk. I look at Danielle, she really is beautiful.

"So do I." I grin.

Danielle's POV:

"What did the witches say?" Finn asks.

"She had no clue, said she'd look through her ancestors grimwars." Klaus replies.

"I'll solve this whole compulsion problem for you." Kol says, standing up.

He offers me out his hand and I glare up at him which makes a smirk appear on Klaus's face. "Just stand, please." Kol sighs.

I get up and look at him.

"Take your bracelet off." Kol orders, looking at the metal chain around my wrist with a small locket on it.

"I can't." I reply.


"I don't know, I just can't take it off." I answer.

Sighing before tensing his jaw Kol grabs my forearm and rips the bracelet off my wrist, his skin sizzles as he touches the chain.

He grabs my shoulders and forces eye contact. "Lift your right foot in the air please darling."

Unable to resist I lift my right foot. "Put it down." He orders which I do.

I grabbing one of Rebekah's scarf's off the side he scoops up my bracelet. "The answer to our problem; vervain bracelet." Kol says, tipping it into my hands.

"How did you know?" Rebekah asks.

"On our first night back in town I ran into Danielle, I instantly fell in love with her personality. I gave her this and compelled her to forget about our night and to never take it off so I wasn't tempted by her." Kol says.

"You compelled me?" I snap.

"I had to make sure you were safe." Kol says.

"How's that working out?" I hiss. "You had no right to erase my memories or mess with my head."

I look over at Klaus to see him stood, rage behind his eyes and his fists tensed. "Rebekah, take Danielle out of here." Klaus growls.

"Nik." Rebekah sighs.

"Now!" He roars.

Rebekah puts an arm around me and pulls me out of the room. She takes me upstairs and we sit on her bed. "What do you think he'll do to Kol?"

"Hopefully not kill him." She sighs. "Klaus values his time, Kol has waisted it not to mention all the stuff with you."

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