Vampire Wish

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"I have to go talk to some witches in town, negotiate a deal. You're safe here." Klaus places a blood bag on the table. "Think about it."

He walks out, leaving me alone with the blood in front of me.

I couldn't help but stare at it, it was calling out to me.

Think of you're favourite junk food, it's sitting in front of you, you can smell it, you can touch it but you're on a diet so you can't have it, do you? Imagine all of that but times a billion.

I tried to think of anything else but I could.

Quickly, I get up and throw myself against the wall at the other side of the room. I clench my fists but still cannot take my eyes off it.

The good parts do sound pretty good.
Elijah has full control, if I knew I'd be a vampire like Elijah I'd do it in a heartbeat but there's also a chance I could be like Kol.

The sun irritated my eyes, crawling over to me and heating my skin to a boiling degree.

"Fuck it." I mutter, vamp speeding to the table and ripping the bag open and drinking what was inside.

Finishing the bag in under a minute I drop it on to the table, feeling different, the headache had gone.

I felt burning on the back of my leg and quickly shifted out of the sun, throwing myself into the corner of the shaded area.

"Ah!" I scream, ripping my burning bracelet that made my skin sizzle off me and on to the floor.

What have I done? Was that the biggest mistake of my life? I already wanted more.

* * * * *

"Danielle?" Klaus questions.

"Over here." I mutter.

"What's wrong?" Klaus asks, kneeling by my side. Smelling the blood he looks to the table.

I hear him let out a sigh of relief and he falls back against the wall next to me. "You fed."

"You said the sun would be brighter, it burns." I tell him.

"Wear this." Klaus says, holding his hand out flat, inside a ring.

"That is the ugliest ring I've ever seen." I state.

"Then it's a good job I'm not proposing." Klaus laughs, pulling out my hand and sliding it on to my finger. "Stand in front of the sun."

"That shit hurts." I say.

"Stand in front of the sun."

I felt compelled to do as he said, I got up and walked into the sun, I didn't burn.

"Looks like there's no need for Kol's bracelet anyone." Klaus smirks, standing on it.

"You're loving this aren't you?"

"Indeed." Klaus laughs.

"How can you compel me? I'm a vampire now."

"But I'm an original; we can compel anyone, vampire or not."

"Great." I sigh.

"Shall we head home?" Klaus asks. "I'm everyone will be very happy with the decision you've made."

* * * * *

"Why hasn't my hunger gone away?" I snap as Klaus drives.

"We are eternally hungry."


"It never goes away, that's why it's the worst part." Klaus laughs.

A couple hours later we arrive home and I walk through the door.

Opening the door Rebekah hugs me. "I'm so happy." She smiles.

I look back to Klaus. "I was happy, couldn't wait to tell them." He says. "These phones you have are rather handy."

Suddenly, the lights switch off putting me on high alert until I see Elijah walks through the doorway of the kitchen into the hall with a cake in his hands that's lit with candles.

"I can't believe you talked me into this Rebekah." Elijah chuckles.

"Well I didn't expect you to moan." Rebekah states, taking it from him and bringing it to me.
"Make a vampire wish."

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