In Love With You

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Danielle's POV:

"Nooo!" I hear Klaus roar from the top of the stairs before appearing beside me and tearing Kol off me. Klaus catches me as I fall and he lowers me to the ground.

"It hurts." I mutter. "It really hurts."

"Kol how could you do that to her!" Rebekah shouts.

I stare up blankly. Klaus bites into his wrist and offers it above me. Weakly, I grab his hand and pull his bloody slit that was quickly healing into my mouth. I gripped his wrist, sucking the blood from the gash as he strokes my hair.

I hear the door slam. "I'll go after him." Elijah says.

"Don't." Klaus snaps.

"He's not safe in this mindset." Elijah replies.

"Which is why I'm going to put him down." Klaus says.

"No." I snap, pulling his now healed cut away from me.

"You've got to be kidding?" Rebekah states, crossing her arm.

"He didn't mean it and look I'm fine." I say.

"Why must you always look for the good in people?" Klaus asks.

"I found it in you." I state. "I can find it in anyone."

Klaus picks me up and carries me upstairs and to his bed, much differently than earlier.

"What's wrong with him?" I ask Klaus.

"Just rest love." He says, pulling the covers above me. "You leave Kol to me."

"No one deserves death Klaus." I tell him.

"He won't permanently be dead." He says. "I'll pull the dagger out when I'm next ready."

"And that makes it okay?"

"The dagger! I must get it form Rebekah." Klaus says, getting up.

I toss and turn, trying to sleep for hours. It gets late, almost midnight. Downstairs I hear the door recklessly open and fall shut a few moments later.

I wait in bed for a while but suddenly I remember Klaus's want for Kol's death so I get up and creep on to the staircase.

Instantly I see a blood trail from the door lead into the kitchen. Like all dumb girls in movies, I follow it and poke my head around the corner to see Kol sat in an arm chair with two girls bleeding out along side him and another dancing.

"The party is this way darling, feel free to join." I hear Kol voice invite me but I quickly back away before a hand suddenly wraps around my mouth and my waist. I'm vamp sped into a room down the hall.

"You shouldn't be around Kol when he's like this." Elijah says, letting me go. "His humanity is off."

"His humanity?"

"As vampires a part of us is still human, that part allows us to feel all those pesky little emotions but a vampire has a switch." Klaus says.

"They can choose to have them on or off." Rebekah adds.

"Kol has flipped his off when he went out tonight." Elijah finishes.

"Or at least that's what we suspect." Finn says.

"You're plan to put Kol down," I say. "I'm in."

"What caused the change of heart love?" Klaus asks as I perch on the edge of his desk, this must be his office or something.

"He's hurting innocent people." I answer.

"But it's okay when he hurts you?" Rebekah questions in a sarcastic tone.

"Better me than them." I say. "I'm apart of it now, they're not."

"Well as much as I appreciate your support love I've already got it sorted." Klaus says, standing up. "I'll simply, dagger him, he can't overpower me."

"Wait." Elijah says, stepping in front of his brother. "As much as I hate to say this I think Danielle should do it."

"Now why is that brother?" Klaus asks.

"I agree." Finn states. "If Kol suspects a thing from you he'll run for this hills and with his emotions off that can only be bad."

"Plus his guard is already up. He drank from your girlfriend, he knows you'll want revenge."

"I don't like it." Rebekah says. "But she will be the only one he will let get close enough to dagger him."

"Why?" I ask.

"Have you not figured it out already love? It's because he's in love with you." Rebekah says.

My eyes instantly meet Klaus's. "No he doesn't." I say.

"You're not doing it, he's already bit you." Klaus says.

"But he wouldn't kill her." Rebekah says. "Which is more than I can say for the four of us right now."

"I'll do it." I say, standing up. "If it'll stop him then I'll do it."

Klaus hands out the dagger to me. "I've dipped it in the white ash already." He says. "Keep it hidden until you get close enough."

I nod, taking the dagger before walking out of the room and back into the kitchen where Kol's food is splattered all over the floor.

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