Blood Sucking

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"Where are we going?" I ask as Klaus leads me up a mountain.

"You'll see." Klaus laughs, tugging me behind him.

"What's your name?" I ask.

"Don't tell me the altitude is getting to you love." He scoffs.

"No, I mean. Elijah calls you Niklaus, Rebekah calls you a Nik, yet you tell everyone your name is Klaus." I explain.

"We were born a long time ago Danielle, names were strange back then."

"I think Klaus is strange enough." I chuckle.

"We'll my real name is Niklaus but it doesn't sound very fearful does it? Plus I prefer Klaus but Elijah is very ancient, classic if you will, he sticks to old routine." He says. "As for Rebekah, she's my family, she prefers Nik to Klaus and they're both in my real name so why not?"

"I suppose." I shrug. "Are we nearly there yet?"

"Almost love, good things come to those who wait."

"But you never wait, you're the most impatient man I've ever met." I retort.

"Then I wonder how I found you." He says, pulling me up the last part.

We arrive on top of a flat area of the mountain. "Here." Klaus says, point across to the lovely view.

"Wow." I gasp. "It's beautiful."

"Much like you in that department." Klaus says, wrapping his arms around my waist as he places his chin on my head.

* * * * *

"Oh so he wasn't lying to me when he said he didn't kill you." I say, seeing Rebekah as soon as I walk through the door.

"He'd be lonely without me." She says, walking into the living room.

"Speaking of being lonely." Klaus whispers in my ear from behind me.

"They'll hear." I giggle.

"I don't care."

Klaus picks me up and vamp speeds me to his room, dropping me on to the bed and ripping off his shirt before climbing on top of me.

He pulls my shirt off over my head whilst smothering my neck with kisses. One tug rips my skirt off and he unbuckles his pants before pinning my arms against the bed.

Looking me up and down he smirks before coming down on me.

Kol's POV:

It had been fourteen minutes, I'd finished a bottle of wine and two bottles of scotch. I couldn't go on any longer.

"This is torture." I snarl, standing up.

"Then don't listen." Rebekah says, filing her nails.

"Do you know how hard it is listening to the girl you love getting at it with another guy?" I yell, flipping the table.

"Kol you don't love her." Rebekah says. "You can't have her so you want her, it's different."

"I can't stay in this house." I snap, slamming my hand against the door.

"Here brother, you need it more than I do." Finn says, passing me and handing me a scotch which I down instantly before throwing the glass into the fire.

"Kol calm down! You're no good to anyone when you're like this." Rebekah snaps, standing up.

"I ought to go up there and rip his heart out." I growl.

"He is her boyfriend Kol! You are just the guy who forced her to drink your blood." Bekah hisses.

"And you just crossed the line." I scowl, pushing her against the wall and throwing my hand into her chest until I reach her heart.

"Kol." I hear Danielle's voice scold from the open door. I look to her, stood in Klaus's shirt.

I release Bekah and vamp speed to Danielle's side. I could smell Klaus on her, more than before, she smelt like dog; Klaus's werewolf side.

I cup her cheek, looking down at her and graze her hair aside. Her neck pumping blood; it's calling out to me. "Kol." She repeats. "What's going on?"

Unable to help myself I rip her bracelet off and indulge in her blood, crashing my lips against her skin; my fangs piercing her skin and sucking the juicy red liquid from her veins.

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