Multi Million Dollar Mansion

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The next morning I awaken alone in bed.

In my pyjamas I plod down the stairs and head into the kitchen before making myself some coffee.

"Morning." I hear an unfamiliar voice says.

I turn around to see an unknown man, dressed in black jeans, a black top and a black leather jacket.

I grab a pencil from the counter and lung it at him. Using his vampire speed and reflexes he grabs my wrist and begins squeezing it until I drop the pencil. "Relax-" I cut him off by throwing my other hand at him in the form of a fist which he catches.

"What's going on in here?" Klaus laughs, walking into the room.

"I- uh- what?" I question in a confused tone, stopping to resist and fight against the guy.

"As I was saying, relax, I'm a friend of Klaus's." He says before dropping my wrist and fist.

"Danielle this is Marcellus." Klaus says.

"Marcel will do." He says, holding out his hand.

"Danielle." I smile, shaking it.

"I know, Klaus hasn't shut up about you." Marcel chuckles.

"Danielle can you give us a minute?" Klaus asks.

"Sure and I'm so sorry about all that, I'm just on edge a little." I sigh.

"It's fine, really, I get it." He says.

I smile before picking up my coffee and walking out the kitchen, down the hall.

"Let me guess, you're Klaus's friend too." I laugh, seeing another unfamiliar face.

"Nope." He says with a smirk. "Mikael's."

My eyes widen and I throw my cup of boiling hot coffee at his face before running down the hall and into Klaus's office where I shut the door, locking it.

Within seconds the vampire kicks it open and vamps to my side. "Mikael requests you but first, a drink to celebrate." He says, grabbing my head and pulling it to a side.

I scream as he flairs his fangs and leans in but suddenly he's flung across the room, slamming against the wall. Standing before me is Elijah with a heart in his hand.

"Elijah." I let out a sigh of relief, hugging him.

He drops the heart and embraces me, even with his bloody hand.

"Are you alright?" He asks.

"Yes, I'm fine now." I reply although it's muffled against his chest.

* * * * * *

"I don't understand how he got inside?" Marcel says, sitting on Klaus's desk.

"I'm guessing the same way you got in." I reply.

"No, when we first gave Mary the deed to the house we got her to invite Marcel in just as she did us." Elijah says.

"The only way this is possible is..." Rebekah pauses and looks at Klaus with fear in here eyes.

"If Mary's been killed." Klaus finishes.

"My best guess is our father found her." Finn says.

"Then we need to get a new owner and a new deed drawn up fast, otherwise any vampire who knows of this will be lining up to take Danielle to our father." Elijah explains.

"Why would they want to help him?" I ask.

"Revenge." Klaus says. "A lot of people want me dead and will help my father in the process."

"Negotiating." Rebekah says. "My father is a vampire hunter as well as a vampire, they'll probably make a deal with him to spare their life."

"Finn head into town, get the papers drawn up and bought back here with someone to help the process." Klaus orders. "Congratulations Danielle you're now in position of a multi million dollar mansion."

"What?" I question, standing up.

"You're the perfect candidate." Klaus says. "Today Finn."

"I'll go with him." Rebekah says. "It's not safe for us to travel alone at the moment."

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