Half An Hour With Kol

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Suddenly, I hear movement in Kol's coffin and I get up. Standing beside him he sits up and looks at me before his expression becomes panicked and he throws himself out of his cushioned coffin and on to the floor. Kol begins vigorously coughing as he drags himself out of the attack.

"Kol! Kol what's wrong?" I question.

"I-I haven't been i-invited in." He pants before throwing himself down the stairs before vamp speeding to the door whilst crashing into several objects on the way.

I run along behind him before stopping is inside the house.

"Why the bloody hell haven't I been invited in?" He asks.

"I own the house now." I reply. "And I'm not allowing you to come in until promise to obey the owners rules."

"Which are?" Kol questions, now fully recovered and leaning against the doorframe.

"What ever rage tantrum you threw before I daggered you can never happen again." I say. "I won't allow for innocent people to get hurt."

"No promises." He chuckles.

"Then you're not coming in." I say before pulling the door shut.

"Oh come on darling." Kol laughs.

"Give me your word." I order.

"Fine, I give you my word." He says.

"Kol, come in." I say.

He smirks before stepping inside. Quickly, I grab his arm, pulling him back out the house.

"Road trip?" Kol questions as I stop at his car.

"The others don't know I've undaggered you and I'd like to keep it that way until I can show them it's for the best." I say before climbing into the passenger seat.

"So where are we going?" Kol asks.

"Someone quiet, we need to talk." I reply.

Kol pulls off and instantly begins speeding down the road. "So why'd you undagger me, miss me already?" Kol asks with a smirk.

"No, we need your help." I say.

"Last time I was anywhere close to being nice to you I ended up with a dagger in my heart."

"You bought home those girls-" I begin but he cuts me off.

"Ah jealous."

"You bought home those girls and killed them." I finish. "Maybe I am jealous but not of those girls; of you, you kill without remorse and you do a million bad things without feeling guilty, I take two ketchups instead of one and I feel bad. So yes Kol, I envy your lack of emotions and cold heart."

"Are you done darling?"

"Are you going to make me regret undaggering you?" I ask.

"What do you need?"

"Mikael is back." I state.

Kol looks at me, wide eyed, before slamming the breaks on his car which jolt me forward as he was doing at least double the speed limit on the empty country lane.

"As in our father Mikael?"

I nod.

"That would of been useful information before I bought you out." Kol says.

I just look at him. Kol and Klaus are afraid of him, that's brings Mikael to a new level of scary.

"I'm taking you home." Kol states, putting his hand on the handbrake.

"No!" I exclaim, grabbing his hand. "Please, Kol."

"Are you kidding me? If Mikael shows up you're dead."

"No, we've figured out his plan. He wants to use me to lure Klaus out." I explain, pulling his hand off the handbrake. "Please Kol, thirty minutes."

He looks down at our hands before looking back up at me. "I can't lose you." He says, pulling his hand out of mine and stroking the side of my cheek.

"And you won't." I say, pulling his hand off my face.

"Your time starts now." He says, driving off again.

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