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Klaus was right everything was better, the white walls looked whiter, the wooden floor felt colder and my happiness in this moment controlled me but the worry of feeding still weighed me down.

"Elijah I need your help." I say, sitting next to him on the warm and comfortable sofa.

"Has Klaus done something?" He asks, turning to me.




"Rebekah?" He asks, shocked.

"Elijah it's non of your siblings." I laugh. "I need your help controlling my blood lust; you do it so well and I don't want to end up like Kol."

"Everyone is different but I'll watch out for you." Elijah says. "There is no secret to it, it's about who you are."

"Time to celebrate." Kol says, walking into the living room with a girl who is clearly compelled.

Already my mind flooded with thoughts of splattering this girls blood for something to drink.

"Good I'm starving." Rebekah says, taking the girl's wrist and feeding from her.

Elijah clicks his fingers in front of my face, snapping me out of my blood trance. I feel like my heart just sank, I hold myself in the seat.

"Kol." Elijah scolds. "What the hell do you think you're doing?"

"Celebrating, what else?"

"Get that out of here." Klaus snaps, walking into the room.

"Oh come on she's a vampire, she should act like it." Kol states.

"She doesn't need this." Elijah argues.

"Have you asked her what she wants?" Kol asks.

"She doesn't want to hurt anyone." Elijah snaps. "Rebekah I'm disappointed you'd entertain this."

Unable to control myself any longer I vamp speed into the kitchen and open the vervain draw before holding it to my neck; it burns.

"Ahh." I yell in pain as the herb tortures my skin on my finger tips and neck.

Suddenly, I'm yanked back and the vervain is ripped from my hand. "What are you doing?" Klaus asks, disproval in his tone.

"Every time I want to hurt someone for their blood I'm going to burn myself with the vervain. Studies show if you match a bad memory with a good one the bad overweights the good." I explain. "I'll link blood with the pain of vervain."

"Psychology majors." Kol scoffs, walking out.

"Well it worked, the pain distracted me from the scent of that girl." I say.

"I wouldn't suggest this-" Elijah says.

"Well like you said everyone is different." I interrupt.

"I thought someone got in the house." Rebekah sighs.

"That's another thing, now Danielle is technically dead we need to find someone new to own the house." Elijah says.

"Then go find someone." I say, taking Klaus's hands before leading up the stairs.

"What are we doing love?" Klaus asks.

"You already know." I say, leading him into his room. "I need distracting."

Using vamp speed Klaus wraps my legs around his waist and climbs on to the bed. "Then allow me distract you." He smirks down at me.

We begin ripping each other's clothes off and crawl under the covers.


Sorry for the short chapter I just didn't want to make it too graphic incase I have younger viewers.

Does anyone even read this anymore?

Now that she's a vampire new things can happen in the story. Do you wish she was still human?

Let me know all your thoughts in the comments please.

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