Blood Bath

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"Not bad." Rebekah says, pinning me to the mat. "For a fifth attempt."

"Well you're harder to take down than you look." I pant.

"Please don't break my girlfriend." Klaus laughs, walking down the stairs, silencing both of us. "How is she?"

"Alright. Very fast." Rebekah replies, standing up. "But I'll put that down to her being short."

"Thanks." I scoff.

Both Klaus and Rebekah offer me a hand up; I take Rebekah's.

"Are you angry at me love?" Klaus asks, humour in his voice.

"I'm busy." I reply, throwing myself at Rebekah again who blocks my first few moves. I leap aside and launch the stake forward only to have her catch it.

I push against it with all my strength but it barely moves.

"You're weak." Rebekah says. "Can you even do a push up?"

"Yes." I reply, putting my hands on my hips. "One."

I hear Klaus laugh from behind me and I turn to him. "May we help you?"

"No, no." Klaus grins. "Just admiring your honesty."

"Well you could learn a thing or two from me then." I snap.

"I went into the woods today." Klaus says. "Found something of yours." He says, pulling out the vervain bracelet Kol had given me. "As much as I hate the way you got it, I recognise it will help."

The chain burns Klaus's skin but he still fastens it around my wrist.

"Well thank you." I say, walking past him.

"Did you even learn anything today?" Klaus asks.

I answer by stabbing the stake into his shoulder but I can't even get it to cut into him. "The element of surprise." I sigh, giving up and heading towards the stairs.

Immediately, Klaus appears in front of me and I jump back. "I wish you'd stop doing that." I groan.

"You're weak." Klaus says.

"Thank you." I say. "As if I'm not already aware."

"Rebekah pause this training and get her some muscle." Klaus orders.

"Who do you think I am? A personal trainer?" Rebekah questions.

"Of course not, you're not good enough for that." He scoffs, walking up the first couple of stairs.

"Bloody cheek!" She exclaims.

"And Danielle, I'm taking you out tonight." Klaus says.

"Oh are you?" I question. "Do I get a choice in this?"

"Well did it sound like a question?" Klaus asks before heading up the stairs.

I turn to Rebekah before signing.

"He's a bossy git." Rebekah says. "But he really loves you."

"Well he has a funny way of showing it." I sigh.

"Take it from someone who's been around a very long time; the way he looks at you says it all." She smiles.

I walk up the stairs and as I'm passing the front door Kol bursts through it covered in blood.

"Witches are tough." Kol scoffs.

"Kol!" I exclaim, running to him.

He falls into me, slowly I set him down with me as I couldn't hold him. "What happened?" I ask. "Finn! Elijah!"

"Brother, what happened?" Finn asks, bursting out the door with Elijah.

"Turns out witches don't like being told what to do." Kol laughs.

"What did you do?" Elijah asks.

"Are you okay?" I question, wiping some blood off his face with my thumb.

"I'm fine. It's not all my blood." He replies.

"What did you do Kol?" Elijah asks.

"I'm afraid we have one less witch on our side." Kol answers.

"What happened?" Finn asks.

"I went to see the witches. Marissa told me that there's was no hope and that Danielle would die and there's nothing we can do about it." Kol says. "So I made an example of her to the other witches, told them there was no giving up."

"Niklaus will not be happy." Elijah says.

"I thought Mikael wasn't going to kill me." I say.

"Mikael wants us all to suffer, especially Klaus, a witch informed me that he planned to kill you to spite Klaus before killing him." Kol says. "He wants to drain you of your blood."

I look up from Kol.

"Hey," he says, grabbing my hand which was on his shoulder as he lay with his head in my lap. "I'm not going to let anyone hurt you."

"Did they find Mikael?" Finn asks.

"They said he's moving around too fast to track." Kol says.

"Just two days alive and I've heard you've already gone and made a mess." Klaus says, walking down the stairs. "The witches are rather mad at you for turning your meeting with them into a blood bath."

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