Bargain Your Life

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"I'm just going to head to the bathroom." I say.

"I'll grab us a table." Rebekah says, sitting down with our food.

"Sorry." I say, bumping into a girl at the doorway.

"Do I know you?" She asks, following me back inside the bathroom.

"I don't think so." I reply.

"You're a friend of Klaus?"

My eyes widen, realising she must be a vampire. "Reb-"

As I scream for Rebekah she presses something to my mouth, instantly knocking me out.

* * * * *

I wake up with a headache, staring at nothing but darkness.

Suddenly, something opens before me, letting in light. Squinting my eyes I feel hands on my body, they pull me up from the laying position I was in and by the time my eyes adjust to the light I'm staring at the ground. My breathing deepens when I remember what happened and realise I'm slung over some guys shoulder.

I look around for something to help myself with but see nothing. Suddenly, we turn a sharp corner and into a house.

He drops me on to the couch and only here did I realise my wrists and ankles we're tied together. "What do you want with me?" I ask.

"Well right now I want to drain your blood." He says with a smirk.

"But he's not going to." The girl from the bathroom says.

"Who are you? Why did you bring me here?" I question, adjusting myself with my elbows.

"I'm Kate, this is Reggie and you are here as leverage to help save my other brother." The girl answers.

"How?" I ask.

"He was bitten by a werewolf." She says.

"So? What can I do?"

"Wow, you may be Klaus's girl but he sure hasn't told you anything." She laughs.

"Told me what?"

"A werewolf bite is fatal to a vampire. As Klaus is a hybrid his blood heals a werewolf bite."

"But as I'm sure you're aware he's not the nicest man, so he wouldn't just help us to be kind. We'll bargain your life for his blood." She explains, freeing my wrists before moving to my ankles. "Try to run and Reggie will break your legs."

"And that's Julie, before you ask." Reggie adds.

"Is Klaus here yet?" A younger girl asks, running down the stairs.

"You'll know when he is." Reggie says.

"He won't give you his blood." I speak up. "He barely even knows me. I met him like two days ago."

"A lot can happen in two days." Kate says. "Especially when it comes to a vampires emotions."

My phone begins to ring from my pocket and Reggie flips me over and rips it out of my jeans pocket.

He hands it to Kate who quickly answers and presses it to her ear.

Klaus's POV:

"I didn't tell anyone." The vampire from last night sobs as Kol stabs a stake into his stomach.

"You're making this very hard for yourself." I growl. "Who did you tell!?"

My phone buzzes in my pocket and I tug it out to see Rebekah is calling me. "What is it little sister? We're kind of in the middle of something." I say.

"It's Danielle," She sighs, sparking my immediate attention. "I bought her out shopping, she went to the bathroom and now I can't find her anywhere."

In rage I hang up before turning to Elijah and Kol. "I'm afraid I'll have to cut this short." I say, clenching my teeth.

"But I was having so much fun." Kol laughs.

"Someone has Danielle." I say.

Elijah's previous confused expression softens and Kol quickly beheads the man we'd been interrogating.

"Lets go." Kol says. The three of us retreat out of the woods and to my car where I call Danielle.

It rings twice before a woman's voice answers. "Klaus." She says. "I figured you'd call."

"Where is she?" I ask with rage in my tone.

"Here, want proof?"
"He wants proof."

A few seconds later I hear Danielle scream out in pain.

"Lay another hand on her and I will make sure that you suffer!" I yell down the phone.

"Relax, she's safe, for now." The woman says. "But that can all change."

"What do you want?" I ask.

"My brother has a werewolf bite; we need your blood." She says.

"Where are you?"

"Why, so you can come kill me? I don't think so. Meet me somewhere public and hand me the blood, then I'll bring you her." She says.

"How do you I know you'll give her to me?"

"You'll just have to trust me."

I hang up on the girl before turning to Elijah. "Find a witch." I order him.


"Now Elijah!" I yell. "Get it to find out where she is and fast."

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