Dinner Party

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We pull up outside The Palace which was this huge hotel and restaurant that Mikael had clearly compelled everyone to abandon.

Klaus steps out first and offers his hand out to me which I take. "Nervous?" Klaus asks as we walk to the doors.

"This is definitely my worst case of 'meet the parents'." I scoff.

"No one will hurt you. Calm down, you're heart sounds like it's going to pump out of your chest." Klaus laughs, opening the door for me.

I look back to see Rebekah on Elijah's arm and Kol and Finn behind them.

"Glad you could make it." Mikael says with a grin from the table. "Take a seat everyone."

"Father." Elijah greets the politest he could as he sits opposite him.

"Danielle you can sit next to me." Mikael says, pulling out the chair next to him. "Just incase anyone plans to kill me during dinner."

"I don't think so." Klaus says, locking his arm around me.

Placing my hand against his cheek I turn his face to look at me. "I'll be fine." I tell him. "You'll be beside me."

He loosens his grip on me and I step forth, sitting as Mikael tucks my chair under for me. Klaus sits next to me, then Rebekah and Elijah, Kol sits opposite me and finally Finn on the other side of Mikael.

Three waitresses deliver the starters to the table.

Mikael grabs the brunette girl's wrist and cuts it with a knife. "Drink anyone?" Mikael asks.

None of the five siblings reply, knowing it'll make me feel uncomfortable. "No thank you father." Elijah says.

"Not even you Kol, I know you're blood lust is one of your biggest weaknesses." Mikael says. "Well that and being in love with your brothers girl."

I take this time to feel under the table to see if Mikael had the stake for Klaus or any of the others taped to the table or something.

I keep a straight face, trying to be as nonchalant as possible as I patted the table down. Suddenly, a hand latches around my wrist and pulls my forearm out from under the table and into the air.

"No, the stake is not hidden under the table Danielle." Mikael says. "Do you really think I'm that stupid?"

"I don't know what you are anymore." I reply. "I had you down as honourable a few days ago, like Elijah but you killing a child proved that wrong."

"Is that so?"

"You are a afraid, a hypocrite and most of all a coward." I state.

"Still not thirsty Kol?" Mikael asks before slitting my hand with the knife.

I wince in pain put do my best to hide it.

Kol and Klaus both stand. "Its okay." I tell them.

"No," Mikael says. "You will never be okay with one of my sons on each arm."

"Can we just get to dinner please?" Rebekah asks.

Mikael drops my wrist, Klaus and Kol sit and Mikael clicks his fingers for the three waitresses to come collect the plates.

Ze takes my plate. "Ze!" I go to stand but a strong hand on my shoulder pulls me down. Mikael.

"I'm warning you." Klaus growls.

"No I'm warning you boy." Mikael bellows.

"So father, what was the point of this little get together?" Elijah asks, picking up his knife and fork before cutting into his steak.

"To make a deal." Mikael says. "I offer protection for Danielle and her family, in return you hand me two of your heads on a stick."

"No deal." I speak.

"Danielle, may I have a word in private?" Mikael asks.

"Lead the way." I say, standing up.

"I don't think so love." Klaus says, grabbing my forearm.

"I'll be okay." I say before turning around, coming face to face with Kol.

"I'm with my brother on this one." Kol says.

"He wants to talk with me that's all, right?" I question, looking at Mikael.

"You have my word." Mikael says.

"Klaus let go of me." I say through clenched teeth.

"If you touch her I will make you suffer." Klaus bellows, standing up and letting go of my forearm.

"Kol." I say.

Hesitantly, he steps aside. I step forward and he grabs my arm. "If you call we'll come." Kol whispers before letting go of me.

"Shall we?"

I follow Mikael upstairs...

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