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Washing the dishes, I look outside into the yard, instantly seeing something lay amongst the grass.

I dry my hands and open the back door. Slipping on my shoes I walk out into the yard and over to the object.

As I get closer I see shapes that come together to form a body. Recognising the person I run over.

"Jason." I say, patting his chest. "Jason, can you hear me?"

On top of his chest is a note.

Do not test me boy. Or the people you love will get hurt.

I toss it aside and attempt to pull my brother up but I can't, he's way to heavy. I told him to stop going out on pub crawls.

"Danielle, is everything alright?" Elijah asks, sliding the back door open and looking across the yard at me.

"Elijah." I sob. "It's my brother."

I rub my eyes and open them again to see Elijah next to me and standing over Jason. "Who did this?"

"I don't know but he won't wake up." I reply.

"He's not dead." Elijah states.

"How do you know?"

"I can hear his heart." Elijah says. "It's beating much slower than yours but nonetheless beating."

Suddenly, Jason's eyes open and he stares at me. "What happened?" He asks me.

"I was wondering the same thing." I tell him. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, I think." Jason says, sitting up.

"What happened to you?" I ask, standing up.

"Some guy grabbed me, thanked me for being useful before knocking me out, next thing I know I ended up here."

"Useful?" I question, looking up at Elijah.

"What did this man look like?" Elijah asks.

"About his mid forties, same accent as yours accept more bitter." Jason answers.

"Danielle it's very important that you and your brother get inside." Elijah says, taking off his blazer and folding it over my arm. "Go quickly."

Confused but nonetheless fast, I follow his orders. I help pull Jason up and we quickly head towards the backdoor.

Suddenly, I hear chaos behind me and see someone matching Jason's physic description attacking Elijah. "Get in now." I order pushing Jason inside. "Klaus! Finn! Rebekah!"

"What is it love?" Klaus asks. "Break a nail?"

"There's someone attacking Elijah!" I exclaim, pointing outside.

Klaus, joined by Rebekah and Finn vamp speed outside, standing by Elijah in battle.

The man looks around, realising he's outnumbered and circled by the siblings. "You have one chance to leave." Klaus growls, stepping aside.

Quickly, the man vamp speeds off and the four siblings return inside. "Who was that?" I ask.

"Mikael." Klaus snaps.

"Who is Mikael?" I question.

"Our father." Rebekah pants.

I stand, shocked, silent for at few seconds. "What type of father wants to kill his own son?" I question.

"Apparently ours." Elijah says.

"It's not just Elijah he'd gladly end us all given half the chance."

"Then why'd he flea?" I ask.

"Outnumbered, he can take one of us down, damn he do his best to do two at a time but not all of us." Rebekah says.

"You let him go." I say turning to Klaus. "I thought you showed no mercy."

"We didn't have the weapon to kill him, I had no choice." Klaus replies. "Don't try and look for any redeeming parts inside of me because you will find none." He storms out of the room, slamming the door behind him.

"Don't take it to heart." Rebekah says. "Nik isn't afraid of anyone, no one matches his power and strengths."

"No one accept for our father." Finn says.

"Niklaus doesn't like feeling threatened and he rarely does but if our father is back that's about to change." Elijah adds, unfolding his jacket from my arm and putting it back on himself. "Thank you."

The Mikaelson Family (Klaus Mikaelson)Where stories live. Discover now