Neck Break

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"So what if you had a daughter." I smile, crossing my legs. "What would you call her?"

"I would love nothing more than to have a daughter." Rebekah says with a small smile. "But I never will."

"A guy that loves you won't care if you're a vampire." I tell her.

"It's not that." She sighs. "Vampires can't reproduce."

Shocked by what she said I suddenly think of Klaus and my eyes full up. "S-so Klaus can't..?" I trail off.

"I'm sorry, I didn't think of that! I shouldn't of said anything." Rebekah says.

"You'd be a great mom Rebekah, you really would." I say, giving a smile to hide the fact that I wanted to cry.

"Put your bracelet on." She instructs. "Keep it on."

"Are you trying to compel me?" I ask.

"No." She replies. "I'm trying to look out for you."

* * * * *

I awaken at the foot of Rebekah's bed. I must of fallen asleep here last night. "Rebekah?" I whisper but she doesn't even stir.

I head into my room and change my three day old outfit before heading downstairs with my bag. I put my hand on the doorknob on the front door and twist it, but it doesn't open.

I look up to see a hand pressed against the door. Turning around I see Kol leaning over me, propping himself up with his hand.

"Morning." He says, looking down at me.

"You can't compel me Kol, I'm wearing my bracelet." I tell him.

"I'm not going to compel you." He sighs, removing his hand.

"Well you have before so whats stopping you?"

"You mustn't hold that against me forever darling." He says. "I had no intention of bringing you into this life so I had to make sure you were protected."

"From who? Klaus?" I question.

"From me." Kol answers. "Vampires emotions get tangled up, my love for you could of easily turned into lust as I could not have you, making me want to do all sorts of things to you. The vervain will of prevented that."

"And did you?"

"... No." He answers. "I controlled myself around you, still am."

Quickly, I turn, tugging on the door but his reactions are so fast he'd already slammed his hand against the door by the time I'd turned around.

"This is you in control? Force feeding me your blood. Fighting with Klaus. Should I go on?" I snap, facing him again.

"Everything I've done has been for you." He says. "To protect you."

"I don't need protecting." I say, reaching up and pulling his hand down and into mine, I look up at him and sigh "I can handle myself Kol."

"Everything okay out here?" Elijah asks.

"Perfect timing brother." Kol says in a sarcastic tone, stepping away from me. "As always."

"Where's Klaus?" I ask, clearing my throat.

"I broke his neck about an hour ago." Elijah replies.

"What!" I exclaim, barging past Kol.

"Relax darling." Kol laughs, turning around. "A neck snap only temporarily kills a vampire but he's a hybrid and an original so I'm guessing it won't last long at all."

"Why did you do that?" I ask Elijah.

"Well Klaus'd been doing it to me all night, not to mention the burning." Kol answers.

"So I figured he could use a break."

"He burned you?" I question, turning to Kol.

"He enjoyed the night holding my hand over flames until my arm caught fire before letting me heal and do it all over again." Kol explains. "I guess I'm not the only one out of control."

"I never said you were-" I cut myself off as he walks out of the room.

"Nicklaus was angry at him." Elijah says. "And when he gets mad he gets infuriated."

"Elijah I just want one normal day. I want to go to school and be with my friends." I tell him.

"Not happening." Klaus says, walking out of the double doors that lead into the living room.

"Klaus," I sigh, smiling.

"We just got you back love." He says, walking over and embracing me with a hug.

"Are you okay?" I ask. "Elijah said he-"

"It'll take more than a neck break to keep me down for long." Klaus says. "And as for your going out mission, cancel it."

"You kept me in yesterday and bad things still happened, so why not just let me go out?"

"Bad things only happened yesterday because Rebekah didn't do her job properly." Klaus says.

"But now that our problems are solved, you're officially under my watch and I won't screw up." He says. "So Elijah," Klaus says, turning to him. "I'd cancel your thoughts of snapping my neck to buy her time to get to school."

Elijah holds his hands up in defeat with a smirk.

Suddenly, I hear a crunch and Klaus drops to the ground. "I love a good neck break, don't you?" Rebekah asks, brushing her hands. "Have a fun day."

"Thank you." I smile at them both.

"Now go before Kol gets word of this." Elijah says.

"I'll drive you." Rebekah says, grabbing her keys off the side before walking me to her car.

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