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Danielle's POV:

I awaken alone in the large, four posted bed. I sit up and look along the dark wood room to the even darker wood door.

Today is Monday. And as much as I'd like to use what happened last night as an excuse to shut down and not do anything, I can't.

So today is just like any other Monday. I will get up and I will go to school, just like I would normally.

I get up, still wearing the dress from last night, I will have to make a stop at home to change and make myself more approachable.

Walking down the stairs I reach the bottom and make my way towards the door. Suddenly, Klaus appears in front of me. "Where do you think you're going?" He asks.

"To school." I reply, avoiding eye contact with him. "It's Monday."

"And after last night you're just ready to carry on as if nothing happened?"

"Nothing has happened." I reply.

"She's in denial." I hear Kol's voice say from the door way.

"I'm not in denial." I retort. "This is still the same town I grew up in, only now there are vampires living here."

"Some that would gladly tear into you, may I add." Kol says.

"No, you may not." I say before turning back to Klaus. "Can you get out of my way please?"

He just stares at me before laughing slightly. "As if I'd let you go out there, back to your normal life, with no protection."

I step aside, trying to pass him but he grabs my upper arm. "I wouldn't." He says in a deep voice. "If any of those vampires from last night escaped then word will be spreading that you're with us."

"None did now let the poor girl go." Rebekah says.

"How many did you kill?"


"As did I." Kol adds.

"Well there was five so one did get away." Klaus says. "Come on love, let's get you some breakfast."

"I'm going to school Klaus." I say in a quiet tone, looking up at him.

"Fine go to school but don't call me when the vampires are after you." He says, letting go of me and opening the door.

Unsure, I look at him before walking towards the large wooden door.

"Wait." Kol says, reaching over me and slamming the door. "Don't you want to know more about us?"

"How did you do that?" I ask.

"Do what darling?" Kol questions.

"You move so fast, it takes you less than half a second to travel meters, it doesn't make sense." I explain.

"Vampire perk." Kol simply says, shrugging.

"What my brother is failing at explaining, is that vampires can move much faster than a human, we can also hear and smell blood with in a half mile radius if we choose to. Our vision is also perfect." Rebekah explains.

"Oh come on Bekah, leave some mystery." Kol laughs.

"She deserves the truth Kol." Rebekah snaps.

"Give us today." Klaus speaks up. "To try and find anymore vampires in the area and to try and figure out why you can't be compelled."

"What is that?" I ask.

"Compulsion; it's a form of mind control. We can compel humans and other vampires, other vampires can only compel humans."


"Because we are the original family." Elijah says, walking into the large and broad hall where we were all standing.

"What does that mean?"

"We are the first and the oldest vampires." Rebekah says.

"I still don't understand how compulsion works and why it won't work on me."

"When I met you at lunch, what did Lola say when she wanted you to come see me?" Klaus asks.

"I don't know, she was very persistent; she kept saying she had to bring me to you and stuff like that."

"I compelled her to get you." Klaus answers.

"Why would you want to use it on me?"

"Initially we wanted to make you forget everything you saw last night." Elijah says. "No human should experience it."

"You're not going to use it on me." I state.

"Why would you want to remember any of this?" Rebekah asks with a laugh.

"The world isn't perfect, I knew that. But I need to know about what's going on around me. You said I was in danger but me being oblivious to it would make it worse." I explain. "You're not going to make me forget."

"Okay." Klaus says.

"Enough with the Q&A, Rebekah stay here with our human blood bag and we'll go hunt."

Klaus's eyes narrow on him, stepping forward he raises his hand for Kol's neck. Quickly, Elijah speeds next to him and grabs Klaus's wrist. "Anything you do now is just waisting time."

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