Blood Bags

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I suck in a deep breath as I look up, seeing the dagger stabbed through my hand.

Kol, Elijah and Finn all walk over to us. The room silence.

"Ahhhh." I let out a yell, drawing my hand into my chest as I fall against the wall along side Rebekah as I slide down it.

All five Mikaelson siblings crowd around me as I pant in pain. All talking to me at the same time but I can't hear them.

"Everybody stop." Elijah yells. "Kol's blood will heal her, once we get it out."

"Danielle," Klaus breathes out, sitting beside me. "We need to pull it out."

I nod my head, gripping the wrist of my impaled hand. "Don't you have some kind of vampire cheat for this?" I laugh.

"I'm afraid not love." He smiles, putting a leg around me and pulling my other hand away, he locks fingers with it.

"I-I want Elijah to do it." I say between breaths. "I trust you'll get it done the easiest and least painful."

"I'll do my best." He says, kneeling before me.

I pull my hand out of Klaus's and cover my own mouth with it. Klaus wraps his hands around my waist and I lean against him. He was sat against the wall, behind me and had a leg either side of me.

"One, two, three." Elijah counted before ripping it out of my hand.

I screamed under my hand as tears of pain streamed down my face. Klaus brushed my hair aside and pulled my hand down from my mouth. He kissed the top of my head before whispering "Look." into my ear.

I look down at my hand to see it is completely healed. "I have a witch to talk to but I'll be back soon." Klaus says.

Elijah and Rebekah help me up then Klaus gets up. "Do a better job at keeping an eye on here than our sister did." Klaus says to Elijah before walking out the house.

"What's with the dagger?" I ask, rubbing my hand.

"As we are the originals, normal things that would kill a vampire like a stake to the heart won't kill us so you have to use a special stake or this dagger." She answers as Finn, Elijah and Kol head into another room.

"He wouldn't of killed you Rebekah."

"He would." She says. "He's done it before, the good thing about this dagger is that it can be pulled out just as easily as it was put in."

"He was just angry." I say.

"I know. Kol, Klaus and I were all blessed with our father's temper." She sighs.

"I've never seen him like that." I say.

"He is very protective of 3 things, his family, his pride and now you." Rebekah says. "I've never seen him look at someone the way he looks at you and we've been around a very long time."

Rebekah and I join Kol, Elijah and Finn in the living room. Instantly, I notice Finn indulging in a blood bag. "Sorry." He says, hiding it from me slightly.

"It's okay." I reply. "It's your lifestyle. I'm sure that's how a vegetarian looks at me every time I eat chicken."

He scoffs before taking another sip.

"Personally, I don't see the point in them. Must hurt the human to have blood extracted from them so why not just skip the bag and go for the vein?" Kol questions with a smirk.

"Sure it's uncomfortable but I bet it's nothing compared to the pain of having your neck ripped open."

"You give blood?" Rebekah asks in a soft tone.

"I'm B negative. That's one of the rarest blood types so there's not much of it which I why I give it whilst I can."

"Two percent of people in the US have that." Rebekah says.

"Looks like you've been doing your research, planning a snatch and grab?" Kol laughs.

"Shut up Kol." She says, sitting down.

"Well feel free to donate your blood to me any day darling." Kol winks at me.

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