The Invite

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"And as for them not being able to find Mikael we'll just have to be ready at all times." Klaus says. "Clean yourself up Kol, Elijah join me."

Elijah and Klaus walk down the hallway and again turn into his office. "Elijah's the brains behind most plans." Rebekah says. "Klaus thinks with his rage not his head."

"I must go check on the witches." Finn says. "Well done Kol."

"Anytime brother." Kol smirks, getting up. "Why the hell are you two dressed like that?"

"Danielle has started training to get stronger." Rebekah says. "She's going to help us take down Mikael."

"Well let me know when you want a real fight." Kol says, putting a finger under my chin and tipping it up so I look at him.

"Go shower, you reek of blood." I snap.

"Join me?"

"Rather die." I reply, walking into the living room with Rebekah.

I sit on the couch and watch her play on her phone. "We never had these." She says.

* * * * *

"Come on love." Klaus says, standing in front of me. "Time for us to go out."

"Can't I change first?" I ask.

"Nope." Klaus smiles, taking my hand and pulling me out the living room.

"Where are we going?" I ask.

"You'll see." Klaus opens the front door and steps out to see Mikael. Smirking, he pulls a stake out from behind him, Klaus pushes me back inside and I trip over the doorstep, falling back into the house. Mikael stakes Klaus with the white oak stake and Klaus loses his colour and drops to the ground.

"No!" I scream, getting up. I attempt to get outside but see I'm stuck inside, held in by a boundary spell, unable to get to Klaus as hundreds of tears fall from my eyes.

"Danielle." Kol says from behind me. "Wake up."

I open my eyes to see Kol in front of me, gently shaking my shoulders. "What?" I mutter, sitting up.

"You were crying in your sleep." Kol says. "Are you okay?"

"Klaus." I say, getting up and running to the front door. Swinging it open I see nothing there. "What happened?"

"I showered, you took a nap." Kol says.

I let out a sigh of relief, shutting the door.

"Ready to go out love?" Klaus asks, walking down the hall.

I run towards Klaus and jump at him, wrapping my legs around his waist. "I'm so glad you're alive." I mutter.

Klaus puts an arm around my waist and a hand on the back of my neck. "I'm glad you're alive too." Klaus says, unsure. "Is everything alright love?"

"It was just a nightmare." I sigh. "We aren't going out tonight."

"Why? I thought you hated being cooped up in this house." Klaus says as I drop my feet to the floor.

"Mikael." I say.

Suddenly, the doorbell rings grabbing everyone's attention. Klaus steps in front of me and Kol opens the door.

"Here." Ze says handing Kol a letter.

Kol snatches it out of his hand.

"Ze." I say, stepping forward but Klaus grabs my hand.

"He's compelled." Klaus says.

"Mikael won't hurt me as long as you arrive but if you bring me inside, I will stab myself." Ze says before walking down the driveway.

Kol shuts the door and walks over to us, opening the letter.

"Family," Kol reads.

"He has the nerve to call us that." Rebekah says, walking down the stairs with Elijah.

"All of you will attend my dinner party, including Danielle, at The Palace. Behave otherwise Danielle will be on the menu." Kol reads. "Mikael."

"Right everyone, looks like we are going to dinner." Klaus says.

"Why are we even going to this?" Rebekah asks.

"Otherwise Ze will die." I tell her.

"Besides," Klaus says. "Tonight we kill Mikael."

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