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I awaken with Klaus's arm around me and look around the room to see it's pretty messed up.

The bed leg on the higher left side broken, almost everything knocked off the draws and desk and the sofa now has no feet.

In my underwear I crawl out of Klaus's arm and put my robe on before walking downstairs.

"I shouldn't of bought that girl back last night." Kol says.

"You're right, you shouldn't of." I say, passing him and going into the kitchen, I boil the kettle.

"Why do you do the things you do to me?" Kol sighs, standing behind me and brushing my hair off my neck. I'm suddenly overwhelmed as Kol's lips land on mine.

No, it wasn't just a kiss, he continued.

He places his hands on my hips and steps even closer to me than he was before if that was even possible whilst kissing me.

I grip to the counter with both my hands in pleasure. I loved Klaus but I couldn't bring myself to tell Kol to stop.

"What the bloody hell are you doing?" Rebekah asks from the doorway.

"Bekah." Kol says, stepping back from me.

"It's not what it looks like." I say.

"Really because it looks like you're getting hot and heavy with my other brother." She says.

"I was just making coffee." I tell her.

"Right, tell that to the giant smirk on Kol's face." Rebekah says.

Kol holds his hands up and walks out the room, the smirk still playing on his lips.

Rebekah's POV:

"He did that on purpose you know." I say. "He's putting his mark on you."

"I don't know what I was thinking, my brain fizzed. Please Rebekah, you can't tell Klaus." Danielle pleads.

"I won't." I reply. "But only because he'll put Kol in a box."

"It won't happen again." She says.

"It better not." I snap before walking into the basement for our secret stash of blood.

"Oh don't pout Bekah." Kol says, looking up from his phone, still grinning.

I snatch his phone and break it in half with my hands. "You can't screw up her life Kol." I tell him. "Don't suddenly take an interest in her now she's happy."

"You know just as well as I do that I've been interested in her since the day I gave her that bracelet." He says. "Only before I was going to have to watch her with Klaus for another 60 years now it's forever and I don't intend on doing that."

"Then you're going to ruin everything for her and enrage Klaus."

Kol rolls his eyes at me before storming out of the kitchen.

"I overheard which means Klaus could of too, you might want to keep your private conversations in your office." Elijah says, walking in.

"Klaus left to talk to the witches about a cure for his girlfriend, Danielle." I tell him, opening the freezer and grabbing a blood bag.

"Kol is either the best thing for her or the worst."

"Don't you start Elijah." I sigh.

"He pushes her in ways Klaus does not, he challenges her on the daily."

"They're stupid if they think Klaus won't end Kol before what ever they have sparks."

"I trust Danielle, she will do what's right." Elijah says. "Even if that means the harsh truth."

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