A Figure Of Your Imagination

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"Where's Ze?" I ask.

"At home, he'll wake up with a slight headache but apart from that he'll be okay." Mikael replies. "I am a man of my word Danielle."

"I don't even believe you're a man." I scowl, turning away from him.

"Tyler, take her to her room." Mikael orders.

Tyler nods before walking, I follow him not wishing to see Mikael any longer than I have to. "What happened to Kol?" I ask.

"I had you down as Klaus's girl." Tyler laughs.

"I am, I'm just worried about him." I snap.

"Right." Tyler chuckles.

Pulling out the knife that I'd stored in my jeans I stab it into Tyler's back, thankfully it goes in.

I pause a moment to see him die but he doesn't, just turns around and looks at me, rather pissed off.

My eyes widen and I turn to run but he yanks me back by my hair. "What was that for?"

"I thought silver killed werewolves." I snap before spitting in his face and running again.

"Well don't believe everything you read on Wikipedia." He growls before his steps come closer.

I get to the top of the stairs before feeling a pair of hands on my shoulders that push me down them.

Falling to the bottom, looking up through blurred eyes I see Tyler stood on the staircase.

"Fine, let's play the hard way." Tyler says, grabbing my ankle which was on the third step.

Dragging me by my foot down the hallway we come to a dark room at the end. Inside was a chair.

Tyler crouches down to the floor before picking me up and seating me in the chair. He locks the cuffs down on my ankles and wrists before walking out, little did I know I wouldn't see him for another couple days.

* * * * *

All I can do is think but when I think my mind sways to Kol's death, forcing tears out of me.

* * * * *

The door creeks open and Klaus runs inside.

"Klaus." I smile, a sense of relief leaving me.

"I can't help you love." He says. "You want out then you'll have to get out."

"I can't." I groan.

"Well then it looks like you're going to die here." He says.

"Please." I beg.

"I'm not real love." He says, crouching and putting his hands on my thighs but I can't feel him. "I'm a figure of your imagination."

My eyes widened to see I was still stuck to the chair I'd been in for the past two days, I give one finally attempt to break free but nothing. I feel the chain cut deeper into my with every single movement I make.

The rusty old door swings open and a girl walks in; the same girl that gave me the clothes before. "If you're here to torture me-"

"They don't know I'm in here." She says. "My name is Kelly."

"I think we're past the meet and greet." I mutter.

"I'd drop the attitude if I were you."

"And why is that? You did kidnap me after all."

"I've called Klaus." Kelly says, sparking my attention. "He may of done me wrong but no human deserves this, after all you did nothing."

"He will kill you." I warn her.

"I'm leading Mikael away from here, I'm going to tell him I spotted Klaus on the outskirts of the woods. I'll be long gone by the time he gets here and when he does... my pack deserves death after what they did to you."

"Why would you help me?"

"I have a little girl, a few years younger than you. If she ever got caught up in this like you have, I could only hope someone would show her the mercy I'm showing you." Kelly says. "Just hang on a little longer."

"Wait, your girl, what's she called?"

"Gina, Gina Summers."

I nod and Kelly quickly leave, shutting and bolting the door behind her.

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