A Loss

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Rebekah's POV:

Elijah and I jumped forward as soon as Danielle was struck by Kol's stake.

"Noooo!" Klaus howled, lowering Danielle's almost lifeless body to the ground.

I could see she was fighting, forcing her eyes to open but you can never fight the inevitable.

The grey discolouration begin creeping up her body and she gripped Klaus's hand.

He stared down at her, tears in his eyes.

"I'm sorry." She chokes out.

"Never be sorry, especially not to me." He says, stroking her hair.

He wanted to help her, I could see it, he wanted to get into her head but it was too late, she was already gone.

Her face pale, the twinkle in her eyes that we all loved so much, gone, and the smile that was always plastered to her face, broken.

"Wake up! Wake up! No, no, no. Danielle wake up!" Kol bellows, shaking her shoulders.

Kol was just as much broken as Klaus.

Klaus didn't even look angry at Kol, when I looked into his eyes all I saw was pain and upset.

Elijah pulls me into a hug and I drenched his blazer with tears.

"I told you two to stop fighting all the time! I knew that she'd get stuck between one of your petty arguments and end up like this! I warned you!" I yell at them.

"She was my girlfriend Rebekah-"

"And she was my friend! My best friend, my only friend." I sob. "I loved her just as much as you did."

Suddenly, Klaus gets up, slamming Kol against the tree. Kol doesn't even fight him.

"Come on Nik, finish me off." Kol says. "I deserve it."

"Yes you do." Klaus says. "You're very lucky Danielle was rather fond of you and a strong believer in second chances."

"So what are you going to do?" Kol asks, slight fear in his tone but more upset than anything. He sounded broken.

"You lost her too, brother." Klaus says before hugging Kol.

A sight I have not seen in so long.

I look to Danielle, I find it hard to pull my eyes away from her. Her face was so captivating and her voice like an angels: I will never hear it again.

All of us stand in tears; in shock.

Crouching beside Danielle Elijah shuts her eyes. "She was a loss to us all, this whole family."

"She was our family." Klaus says.

"So what are you going to do, get her a coffin?" Kol scoffs.

"Shut up Kol." I snap.

"Now is no time for your petty jokes." Elijah says.

"No, I will not get her a coffin." Klaus says.

"Why not?" I sniffle.

"Because I will bring her back." Klaus states. "This is not the end."

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