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I'm sat on the marble counter in the kitchen and Rebekah is cleaning the dry blood and dirt from my wrists and ankles.

"They will pay." Klaus growls, pacing around.

"Your attitude has certainly changed." I say.

"That's because I didn't know the extent to your damage last night." He snaps.

"Klaus, I'm okay." I tell him. "The blood will be wiped away and the wounds will heal."

"His wounds won't."

"You killed them already?" I scoff.

"I'm talking about Mikael." Klaus states.

"Kelly." I exclaim.

"Kelly?" Rebekah questions.

"I have to go." I state. "Can someone drive me?"

"Whoa." Rebekah says, blocking me from getting off the counter. "You're not going anywhere."

"She's right, we just got you back darling." Kol says which makes Klaus's jaw clench.

"I can't let Mikael kill Kelly and her daughter for helping me." I explain.

"It's out of your hands." Elijah says.

"They're not your problem." Klaus says.

"You barely know Kelly, she did you one favour and you're prepared to risk your life for her?" Kol questions.

"Do you ever stop and wonder why everyone hates you guys? You've never done anything for anyone apart from yourselves."

"Not true, I let Kelly live after the part she played in your kidnap." Klaus says.

"You see the world with such hatred; it's going to get you killed." I say. "And me along with you."

"I'll drive around, check for Kelly." Elijah says. "She's the woman you asked about yesterday, with the birthmark?"

I nod. "Thank you Elijah."

"I'll go with you, it's still not safe for us to travel alone." Finn says, grabbing a jacket as the two leave.

"So what happened to you?" Rebekah asks.

"Last thing I remember they shoved you into a limo and some blonde wolf shoved a stake in my heart." Kol says.

"Does the name Tyler sound familiar to you?" I ask Klaus. "Only you pissed him off pretty bad, said you ruined his life: he was after revenge."

"I piss a lot of people off." Klaus scoffs.

"Black hair, olive skin, dark brown eyes, about 5'11."

"Ah Tyler Lockwood, there's a blast from the past." Klaus says. "Yes I turned him into a hybrid and sired him."

"I don't even want to know what that means but long story short silver doesn't kill werewolves."

"Well I could of told you that." Klaus scoffs.

"No way, you stabbed a werewolf." Rebekah laughs, bandaging my wrists.

"All about the element of surprise remember." I laugh.

"Looks like that lesson paid off." Rebekah grins, glaring at Kol and Klaus.

"What's the long story?" Kol asks.

"I stabbed Tyler and he locked me in the basement for three days with no food or water, awaiting for one of you to arrive." I explain. "Oh how I do love being bate for the lot of you."

"What can I say love? You're a catch." Klaus scoffs as Rebekah finishes dressing my wounds.

"A little vampire blood could heal that up." Kol says, pointing to my bandaged wrists.

"You're playing a dangerous game Kol." Klaus snarls, helping me off the counter and putting an arm around me.

"One time, one time I did it and it paid off." Kol says.

* * * * * *

"Has Kol always been like this?" I ask Rebekah.

"Kol is a lunatic." She sighs. "But he's my brother."

"Ah, if it isn't my two favourite girls." Klaus says, opening the door. "Dinner has arrived Rebekah."

"I'll be in my room." I say, getting up knowing that it's just code for there's a fresh human on the table, most likely bought home by Kol.

"A pizza is cooking for you currently." Klaus says.

"Enjoy your meal." I scoff.

Sitting on my bed I pull out my phone. I ignore the many messages from friends and family asking where I am but receiving a message from an unknown number I open it.

The woods.
Be there.

Then a picture comes flooding through of my mom, aunt and brother tied to chairs and blindfolded.

Or they will pay.

The Mikaelson Family (Klaus Mikaelson)Where stories live. Discover now