Ideal Life

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"Jason what do you know?" I ask him.

"He didn't tell me anything apart from what I told you before." Jason says. "But then they... they moved so quickly and they want to kill that man, what are they psychopaths?"

"Worse." Rebekah smirks, walking into my room. Clearly everyone in the house had been listening to our conversation. "We're vampires."

"You're kidding." My brother laughs before turning to me, realising we weren't. "She's kidding, right?"

I shake my head.

"I took away his memory before, I can do it again." Rebekah says to me.

"It's getting more dangerous for him not to know." I sigh, sitting at the foot of the bed.

"Then fine, tell him our deepest and darkest secrets but he is not staying here." Klaus says, walking in and opening my closet.

"Why not? You let me stay here."

"Because I care about your safety." Klaus says. "I do not care about his."

"Well I do and it's important to me so it should be important to you to." I snap.

"Well isn't." He says.

"What about Charlotte and mom... and all of my family. Do you think they're in danger too?" I question, turning to Rebekah to see Elijah had snuck in too.

"Possibly, I don't know what my father has planned for them." Rebekah says. "Or why he'd bother with them."

"My suspicion is that he used them to lure you out so he could snatch you and then use you to lure Niklaus out." Elijah explains. "After all my father does want to kill Klaus more than any of us."

"Why?" I ask.

"Well we don't really like to talk about it but Klaus isn't my father's son, my mother had an affair with a werewolf in our village which is why he is a hybrid." Rebekah says. "But it doesn't matter, he IS our brother."

I smile at her, it was so sweet how much they honoured family, before turning to Klaus who is still rummaging through my closet.

"What are you doing?" I ask him.

"I'm keeping a close eye on you, you'll be sleeping in my room from now on and don't even bother arguing." Klaus says, walking out of the room with handfuls of my clothing.

"Jason how aren't you freaking out right now?" I ask him.

"I compelled him not to be worried." Elijah says. "His blubbering early, it was rather irritating."

"Maybe it's best if he does return home with this information, then he can keep a close eye on your family." Rebekah says.

I nod.

For the next half hour I explain everything to Jason, about Klaus and his family, about Kol upstairs and where I've been for the past five days.

Somehow he takes it rather well, most of that is probably down to Elijah's compilation, he also compels him not to tell anyone about this. I trust Jason to keep his mouth shut but clearly I was the only one.

Then, he returned home.

"I don't get it," I sigh, sitting on Klaus's bed. "If you then why not come get you?"

"If he tried anything my siblings we around to protect me. That's why he'll snatch you to lure me out." Klaus replies, unbuttoning his shirt.

"Then why not just grab me? Why bring Jason into it?"

"He can't get inside, remember? No vampire can enter a house uninvited." He answers.

"I know but you're a vampire, it doesn't count." I say.

"Yes but I don't own it some woman called Mary Makintire in Texas does."

"Why?" I question.

"She's so random, just another woman. No one can track her down so no one will kill her." Klaus replies before walking over to me.


"What's wrong love?" Klaus asks, walking over and sitting on the bed next to me.

"Mikael is planning on using me as bait." I laugh.

"It's not that." He says.

"Well Rebekah may of accidentally told me about vampires not being able to reproduce."

"My sister should learn to keep her mouth shut." Klaus says, unable to look at me.

I cup his cheek and turn him to look at me. "It's okay Klaus." I say. "I mean sure I wanted kids eventually but not now, so I have all this time to deal with it."

"Are you sure that's all?" He asks.

I nod and smile before beginning to shake my head and a tear slides down my cheek.

Klaus lays back on the bed and pulls me to cuddle with him. "What is it love?" He asks, stroking my hair.

"I just... I just... I wanted to graduate and work and find the perfect guy, settle down and get married, have kids then have grandkids and eventually die." I explain. "And instead I'm here, falling in love with a hybrid whilst everyone I know is in danger, I'm hunted and my boyfriends father wants to kill his whole family."

"Don't worry love," Klaus says. "The only personal getting hurt will be Mikael."

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