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Danielle's POV:

"Danielle." Klaus says, walking into the room.

"Hmm." I groan, sitting up from my slumber.

"The witches have located the cure, it's on an island." Klaus replies.

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's go!" I exclaim, vamp speeding the door.

Klaus speeds in front of the door, blocking it. "The island is boobytrapped with stakes and all sorts of things that will you."

"I'll risk my life for an hour if it means I can become human again." I say, trying to step around him.

"We don't exactly know where on the island it is. The trip will take days, maybe even weeks." Klaus says.

"So what, you're just giving up?"

"Not even close love." Klaus says. "Rebekah, Elijah, Finn and I will go to the island, get your cure and return."

"What about Kol?"

"He's babysitting." Klaus laughs. "Apart from me he's the strongest, he's our safest bet and your best protector."

"Come on Nik!" Rebekah yells from downstairs.

"She's rather impatient." Klaus laughs, opening the door.

"No." I say.


"As a human I understood that you wanted to keep me safe. Now I'm a vampire and you still treat me the same, I get that I'm not as powerful as your family but I will not be locked away now that I've changed otherwise it's all for nothing." I explain.

Klaus looks at me, amused.

"So you're going to go downstairs and wait for me." I order.

"Very well." He smirks before walking out the door.

I smile in victory before changing and meeting them all downstairs.

"So you actually talked him into letting you come with us?" Rebekah asks.

"Somehow, yes." I reply. "Besides, the last thing I need is Kol babysitting me."

"I'll second that." She says walking out the front door with her bags in her hand.

* * * *

A very long time later we arrive at the deserted island on a helicopter Klaus compelled a man to give us a free ride on.

"Let's get looking." Klaus laughs.

"What's the hurry? It's so beautiful." I smile.

"The sooner we get off the island and the sooner you're safe so lets go." He says, grabbing my hand.

"Where even is it?"

"Inside the volcano." Klaus says.

"Brilliant." I eye roll.

"I did tell you to stay home."

"Yes, why didn't we Danielle?" Kol asks with a smirk.

"I'm not a child that needs protecting." I snap at him.

"You're right, your a new vampire on a island full of traps to kill a vampire." Kol says.

"Shut up the both of you, I'm not spending days on this island listening to the two of you bicker." Rebekah says.

"Oh you're no fun Bex." Kol laughs, taking the lead.

We walk for hours on end, yes my feet hurt and yes I was to dignified to admit it.

"How much longer Nik? We've been out here for hours it's almost dark." Rebekah sighs.

"And here I was thinking Danielle would be the first to complain." Kol says with a chuckle, stopping.

"Yet I thought it would be you." I smirk, passing him.

Suddenly, a tree branch comes swinging towards me with stakes poking out of every inch of it.

Before I can do anything it stops in front of me.

"You're welcome." Kol smirks from my side, holding it back with his hand.

"How about I lead." Klaus says, walking past both of us and continuing to hike.

"I think we should stop for the night." Rebekah says. "It's getting dark and cold and my feet are hurting."

"You've spent half your life in heels yet you can't walk for a few hours?" Kol asks.

"A few hours? It's been almost seven." Rebekah snaps.

"I do think setting up camp would be a good idea." Elijah speaks.

"Then I'll gather some firewood." Kol says. "And you can come with me." He adds, grabbing my arm and pulling me along with him.

"So?" I question about ten minutes into the walk.

"So?" He repeats.

"Clearly you bought me out here for something, what is it?"

"Can't I just enjoy time alone with you?" He asks.

"I'm telling Klaus about what happened yesterday." I say.

"You can't." He says, grabbing my forearm and pulling me to a holt.

"I won't lie to him any longer. It's not fair on him, it shouldn't of happened."

"Fine." He sighs. "When? Just so I know when to run."

"Tonight, maybe?"

"Well thanks for the warning, I'll grab my running shoes." He says, picking up the remainders of the firewood and storming back to camp.

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