Stay With Me

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"Have you given her vervain?" The blonde girl who I've learnt is called Rebekah.

"No." Klaus snaps.

"How can she not be compelled?" Elijah asks. "I've never seen anything like this."

"It doesn't matter." She says. "For god sake Nick, go talk to her! The poor girl's probably going out of her mind!"

I hear their words but I cannot react to them. I just stare into the flames of the fire that I'm facing on the couch.

Suddenly, I feel a hand on my shoulder. Klaus crouches in front of me. "Do you know what happened tonight?" He asks.

I nod. "But I don't understand why."

"That man was a vampire, he was going to hurt you." Klaus says.


"Because you were with me." He replies.

"What did you do to him?" I ask.

"Nothing." He says.

"You must of done something." I say. "People aren't bad, they do it for a reason."

"I am a hybrid Danielle. Both a werewolf and a vampire." He explains. "My siblings are vampires."

"Of course. Werewolves are a thing too now." I scoff.

"I've been around a very long time. I've done bad things to so many people. People want to hurt me, to hurt those around me; he was one of those people." Klaus explains.

"So now I'm in danger because I know you?" I question.

"I understand if you want to leave." He says, standing up.

I'm silent for a moment, thinking harder than I ever have before. What I say now will change my life and I know that.

I stand, place my hands around his neck. "I like you too much to walk away."

"And I love you to much to let you go." He says, slinking his hands around my waist. "I promise you, I will never let anyone hurt you."

"Show me." I order. "Show me what you can look like."

Klaus closes his eyes and open them again, they're bloodshot and the veins pumping to his eyes show so much they could burst.

"Hideous right?" He questions as I study his face.

"I've seen worse." I say.

Klaus smiles. I nod and sit back down. "I just need to be alone for a while."

Klaus's POV:

I nod and walk back out of the room.

"Poor girl." Rebekah says, linking her fingers together.

"What do we do now?" Elijah asks.

"We protect her." I say. "Anything that wants her will have to go through us."

Kol nods before heading up to his room.

"She'll never understand." Rebekah says.

"We'll make her." Elijah says. "She's so open minded, I doubt it'll be difficult."

Rebekah nods before heading up to her room.

"Is Finn back?" I ask.

"He on dispose duty." Elijah says before heading out the room.

"And brother," I say, making him turn back to me. "Thank you."

"Just do as you have promised." He says. "Protect her, she didn't ask for any of this."

"Nor does she deserve it."

* * * * * *

I pace around thinking for while before finally stopping when I hear Danielle's breathing deepen, she's asleep.

Walking into the room with the lit fire pit I crouch beside her. She's lay on the couch. "I will protect you." I state before picking her up. Bridal style, I carry her up the stairs and to bed.

I place her down within the sheets and pull one over her. I kiss her forehead before taking a step away from the bed.

"Klaus," she says, opening her eyes and grabbing my hand. "Will you stay with me? Please, just for tonight."

"Of course." I reply.

She smiles, shuffling over in the bed so that I can get in. I lay on top of the sheets with her underneath, she rests her head on my chest and I wrap an arm around her.

Slowly, I hear her fall asleep again.

"Goodnight love."

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