Gone Wrong

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"This room is spelled, they cannot hear us." Mikael says. "You're not the only one with witches."

"What did you want to talk to me about?" I ask.

"If anything should happen to me tonight I've compelled the driver of your limo to beat Ze to death." Mikael says. "So tell me, do my children have anything less than honourable planned?"

"No." I answer.

"I see you have your bracelet on." Mikael says, sitting in a large and leather armrest.

"So I guess you can't compel me." I snap.

"But I believe you'll tell me the truth, for Ze." He says. "I've noticed family is very important to you so I doubt you'd risk their lives to help some strangers so if you want to assist me in taking them down and returning to your old life, feel free."

"They are also my family." I snap.

"They will never be more than abominations!" Mikael yells, standing up.

"You don't have it, do you?" I ask.

"Have what?"

"The weapon to kill Klaus, you've lost it and now you have to revert to your last option, trying to get me to help." I explain. "You're scared."

"Of course I do, I just don't happen to keep it around curious little things like you." He snaps. "Say a word of this at the table and your mother will be no more."

Mikael grabs my bicep and drags me down the stairs, back to Klaus, Kol, Rebekah, Elijah and Finn.

"Did he hurt you?" Kol asks as Mikael throws me over to the boys.

"Of course not." I say. "He wouldn't dare."

"Dessert anyone?" Klaus asks, taking a seat.

The waitresses clear the table and suddenly out of nowhere come a large group of people, surrounding most exits.

"Now I'll say it again, this time I'm not asking; give me her." Mikael says before pointing to me.

"You'll have to kill me first father." Klaus says.

"And me." Rebekah says.

"And me." Elijah adds.

"Well I'm just as stupid as the rest of you, and me." Kol says.

Finn nods, stepping into the line the siblings had just formed, he takes Rebekah's hand and all of us look at Mikael. "Wolves." Klaus whispers to me.

"Then it shall be." Mikael says before the large group of people, holding rods, bats and pipes begin to attack.

Klaus pushes me aside; like vampire push. I fly back about fifteen feet and fall on to my butt.

From aside I watch them all fight. They were all fighting to defend and protect but Kol looked like he was having fun. He truly is a homicidal maniac.

I couldn't tell who was winning, the siblings were killing the wolves off one by one but they were still massively outnumbered.

"Come on darling, as much as I love fighting it's time to go." Kol says, grabbing my hand.

"We can't just leave them." I argue. "They're massively out numbered."

"Trust me, my family have made their way out of worse."


"Klaus said if anything goes wrong I am to get you out of here." Kol says.

"Do you always do what your brother tells you?"

"Never but I always do what's best for you." Kol says. "The sooner I get you somewhere safe the sooner I can come back and help."


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