The Plan

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Kol's POV:

When she looked at me before it was blank, there was nothing behind her eyes but now I see pain and anger and hurt.

"We have to go." I say, crouching beside her.

"Then leave." She snaps.

I look up at Elijah who nods.

I slip an arm under her leg and one behind her back but before I can pick her up she yells. "No!" And scoots away, still looking at her sister.

"Danielle please, it's dangerous for all of us to be out here." Rebekah says.

"Then leave!" She shouts at her.

"I'm calling Nik." Rebekah says. "I don't care what witchy meeting he's in, Finn can finish it alone."

"Don't call him." Danielle says, standing up.

"Are you coming with us?" Rebekah asks. I instantly see her head turn, looking back down at her sister.

"You expect me to just leave her, to be swept under the rug like nothing happened." She says, sitting back down.

I listen to Rebekah's talk with Nik. "Nik something bad happened, I need you to come to the woods and get Danielle." She says.

"Is she hurt?" He questions.

"Not physically." Rebekah says.

"Oh god, Kol didn't do anything did he?" Klaus asks which makes me roll my eyes.

"Actually he did good for once but I'm sure your girlfriends answer would be very different to mine."

"I'm on my way."

Danielle's POV:

"Time to go love." Klaus says, walking over to me.

"I'm not leaving her." I say. "I won't just forget her."

"None of us will." Klaus says. "But do you really want to risk all of our lives including yours to be near her? Would she of wanted that?"

"She's eight." I tell him. "She was eight."

"I know love, I know." He says, picking me up and carrying me bridal style over to his car where he climbs into the back with me.

Elijah drives and Kol gets back in his car, I don't see Rebekah which makes me aware of what she is doing.

* * * *

I wanted to sleep for days.
Keep my head buried under these sheets.

But I couldn't, the longer I stayed hidden away the more time it gave Mikael to make his next move.

"So what's the plan?" I ask, walking into Klaus's office where are five of the siblings are talking.

"I barely just put you to bed love." Klaus says.

"I am not a child. What is your plan because I know you have one?" I question, shutting the door and standing in front of it.

"Well you're the one making your own, undaggering Kol." Klaus says.

"Thank you for that by the way." Kol says.

I don't even spare him a look, just keep my eyes fixed on Klaus.

"I've spoken to some witches, they're trying to do a locator spell on Mikael." Finn speaks up. "But he's well guarded by a witch's protection spell."

"Another reason why you should of let me go with him, I'd be easier to track." I say.

"Are you ever going to let that go?" Kol sighs.

"Probably not."

"Then I'm going out." Kol says, standing up and turning towards the door.

I back against the door. "You're not going on another binge feed." I tell him.

"I can easily move you." Kol says, reaching for the doorknob.

I press my hands against his chest which I instantly feel his abs through his shirt. "You gave me your word."

"Plus it's not safe for you to go alone." Rebekah says.

"Relax, I'm just going to hurry along the witches." Kol says. "Am I free to go now?"

"Why should I believe you?" I snarl.

"I gave you my word, I shall not break it."

I sigh, stepping aside and he walks out of the room. "So, the plan?"

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