Fade Away

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"Kol please." I sniffle. "I'm begging you to let go of me."

I feel a breeze against my cheek to see Rebekah and Elijah stood by my side, Elijah with a stake in his hand.

"Just know, you do not fall short of family members." Mikael says before slicing Charlotte's throat and speeding off.

Elijah and Rebekah exchange a look before speeding off after him.

Kol's grip weakens on me and I burst out of it, running over to Charlotte and dropping to my knees by her side.

"Charlotte, can you hear me?" I question, turning her face towards mine but I do not get a response. I take her hand in mine and feel that her skin is already stone cold.

I close my eyes and let my final tear drop. Reopening them I realise hers never shut. Our eyes meet even though her gaze is blank, a few more tears drizzle down my face and I shut her eyes.

"We should go." Kol says.

I stand up and turn around to face him before storming over to him. Balling up my fists, I pummel his chest. "This is you're fault!" I yell, continuing to slam my fists against his chest. "Why didn't you just let him have me?"

Kol grabs my wrists, preventing me from hitting him anymore. "If it ever comes down to me saving someone, I will always choose you Danielle." Kol says, staring into my eyes.

"Then you will never truly love me." I say. "Because if you did you would respect my decision."

"You're decision to get yourself killed?" He questions.

I scowl at him, trying to pull my wrists free. "Let go of me." I snap, which he does.

I walk back over to Charlotte and again kneel by her side, holding her hand. "I failed you, I'm so sorry Char."

I wait by her side in silence for a few minutes before Rebekah and Elijah return. "He got away." Elijah says.

"The bastard escaped us again." Rebekah sighs. "Danielle, are you-"

"Don't ask me if I'm okay." I snap, looking up at her.

"We should get going." Elijah says.

"I'll get rid of the body." Rebekah says.

"The body?" I hiss, looking up at her. "She was my sister!"

"I'm sorry." Rebekah says. "But we have to move her."

"She was a good kid, she doesn't deserve to just be thrown into the ground like your collateral damage or blood bodies." I explain.

Elijah crouches by her side, opposite me. "Danielle I am very sorry for your loss but the longer you wait by here the more you endanger yourself, then she will of died for nothing." Elijah says.

I look up at him. "But if I die, Mikael will have no use for me and will leave my family alone." I think out loud.

"You don't mean that." Rebekah says.

"But he would." I say.

"No my father's a vengeful bastard just like Kol, Nik and I. He'd kill your family just to spite you." She explains.

"Then there's no escaping this." I sigh.

"We will kill him." Kol states.

"But not before he kills someone else." I mutter. "Why can't you just of given me to him!"


"I know that puts Klaus in danger but he can just not come get me, just leave me to him."

"Nik would never do that." Rebekah says.

"Then dagger him, by the time he wakes up he'll of forgotten about me." I explain.

"The kind of love he has for you," Rebekah sighs. "It doesn't just fade away."

"We'd never let you do it anyway." Elijah says.

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