The Dagger

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Danielle's POV:

Klaus rips Kol off me, causing me to fall as he lifts Kol into the air by his throat. "How dare you go against what I decided." Klaus roars.

"Niklaus put him down." Elijah orders. "We have bigger things to deal with."

Klaus throws Kol, literally throws him. I watch as he flies over the roof of the car and slams into the gates guarding the house.

Struggling to breathe with fear and confusion, Klaus crouches beside me. "What going to happen to me?" I ask.

"Nothing." Klaus says. "Kol's blood will heal you're wound. Within twenty four hours it'll be out of your system and you'll be back to normal."

"Provided you don't die, in which case you'll become a vampire, or in transition at least." Kol smirks, walking back over.

"Kol." Elijah scolds.

"Well it's better than nothing at all right?" He laughs. "And at the rate she was going, she needed it."

Scowling, I push myself off the ground. "Don't talk about me like I'm not standing right in front of you." I snap.

"Fine." He says. "You needed my help, you are welcome."

I slap him across the face, still glaring at him. "You did that for you, not for me. I may not have known you for long but I already have you figured out." I hiss. "You weren't in charge of the situation so you didn't like it."

Kol stares down at me. He places his hands on my shoulders, scowling. He takes a deep breath before removing them and storming inside.

Klaus turns to go after him with rage in his eyes. "Klaus," I speak. "I'm okay."

He turns around and walks over to me before leaning down and placing a kiss on my lips. After about half a minute he pulls away. "You are never leaving my sight again."

"I thought you kept your eye on things that you loved?" I question, referring back to the day we met.

"I love you."  He says which causes me to smile.

"Danielle!" Rebekah exclaims from inside.

"You had one job!" Klaus yells, turning around.

"I know Nik and I'm sorry, Danielle I'm sorry. I thought it would be okay-" She's cut off by Klaus throwing himself at her.

"Klaus stop!" I yell, running inside and over to them.

"Do you realise the damage you almost did?" He questions.

I run between them and put my hands on Klaus's neck and pull his face down to look at me. "This isn't her fault." I tell him. "Please, let go of her."

Klaus slams his fist next to her which is also next to me before storming upstairs, leaving us both stunned.

I step away from Rebekah and turn to face her. "What the bloody hell happened to you?" She asks, seeing the dry blood on my neck that had also stained the top of my black dress.

"I'm fine." I tell her. "Kol healed me."

I can feel him smirking behind me.

"I am, so sorry." She says.

"Rebekah, it's okay." I tell her. "No damage done."

"Apart from the part where you nearly died." Kol adds.

"Shut up." I snap at him.

"Nik, no, I said I was sorry." Rebekah says quickly, backing against the wall.

I look over at Klaus to see him coming towards her with a dagger.

"Niklaus!" Elijah yells.

"Stay out of this Elijah." He growls.

"This just got interesting." Kol smirks, leaning back against the door.

"Klaus." I say but he's so blinded by rage he can't even see me.

Reaching over me, Rebekah grabs his wrist, trying to push his hand away. The two of them toy in the air for a few seconds, pushing it between the two.

"Stop!" I shout, reaching up for it. Suddenly, I feel a sharp pain in my hand and my eyes meet Klaus's as he finally notices me.

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