The Best Parts

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"Give me today." Klaus says from my doorway.

"I only have today." I laugh.

"Well then use it to help me prove to you that life is worth living."


"You only got one day, may as well live it." He says.

"Fine." I get up and walk over to him. "Where are we going?"

"New Orleans."

"What?" I question. "That's so far."

"Not really." He laughs.

I grab my bag and follow Klaus down the stairs and to his car. "Have an open mind love."

"I always do." I state.

"Not today you haven't." He says.

* * * * *

"Love." Klaus says, placing a hand on my thigh which wakes me up.


"We're here." He says before getting out.

"Where are we?" I ask as he opens my door.

"Our old house."

"Before you were vampires?"

"No, that place is long gone." Klaus says. "But it's where my siblings and I came afterwards, when we reunited as one, stronger than ever."

I nod before getting out, the two of us walk into the large mansion.

"Danielle, Klaus, I'm glad you could make it." Marcel says, walking over to us.

"Marcel." I smile.

"He'll never admit it but once my family owned this town but we moved on and now Marcel controls it." Klaus explains.

"I heard your having doubts about becoming a vampire." Marcel says. "Wouldn't you like to hang around and see what the world becomes?"

I bite my lip in thought.

"You better not be staying long." Marcel chuckles to Klaus before leaving.

"This place is where my family lived for years. It was brilliant. Just Rebekah, Elijah, Kol, Finn and I. We had everything we ever wanted and it was great for a while." Klaus says. "But Rebekah craved a family so she took off with Marcel for a while, Finn found his place with the witches and Kol has a very short attention span which left him wanting to travel."

"So it was just you an Elijah?"

"Not quite, I hated the thought of being alone so I daggered him as soon as he spoke of leaving me, I did the same to the rest of my siblings when they returned to me."

"You fear being alone." I say, putting the pieces together.

"I fear nothing!" He yells.

"You fear no one loving you, fighting alone. That's why you created your hybrids, you want a back up family." I explain out loud.

"I'd hate it if you left me but there's nothing I can do about it." Klaus explains.

"I want to live Klaus, for you, for my family, for myself but you talked about a switch. If I hurt someone I could-"

"You wouldn't switch it, vampires use that as a last resort."

"Elijah once told me that apart from the hunger the worst part about being a vampire is that sadness becomes despair and anger becomes rage. I don't think I could survive any of that."

"I will protect you, I won't let you kill anyone." Klaus says. "You'll have all of us watching over you."

"I'm not some child you should have to keep watch on." I snap.

"We watch out for our family, you are our family." Klaus says. "I do love you Danielle, I know I don't always show it but I really do. So does Rebekah, Elijah and Finn. I also fear Kol has grown rather fond of you too."

"Not this." I sigh.

"He loves you Danielle and if you're not going to feed for yourself do it for your village, Kol will go on a rampage."

"I've been so selfish because I love you so much; I put my family in danger several times but I can't be selfish anymore." I explain.

"So you'll feed?"

"So I need you to dagger Kol if I don't." I say. "It's my dying wish just give me your word."

"After all this your still not going to drink?"

"I don't want this." I sigh.

"You may of heard the worst parts but have you heard the best parts?"

"No." I sigh. "But what could out weigh that much bad?"

"Already your love is stronger today. When you're a vampire you feel everything more not just the negative. The sun feels warmer and looks brighter. Love will consume you and you will be beyond happy." Klaus explains. "You'll be stronger and faster than you ever thought you could be. Everything about you will be magnified, you're a good person Danielle, that will show."

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