Abandoned Hotel

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Bursting through the front door, I see the limo and the driver still there, not killing Ze which is very fortunate.

"Today darling." Kol says, pulling me a little faster.

Suddenly, about ten of the wolves appear in front of us. Kol steps in front of me but realising there were more behind us he freezes with his hand on me.

"The first chance you get, run." He orders in a whisper.

"You really think I'd leave you here?" I question in a mutter.

"And what would you do? You've had one training lesson, congratulations." He says. "You'll just get in my way, go when you can."

"This doesn't have to get nasty." One says, stepping forward.

"Funny, I was about to say the same thing to you." Kol scoffs.

Five wolves run forward to attack Kol. They were in human form but nonetheless able to use their powers like this.

An arm wraps around my waist and a hand around my mouth and I feel myself being tugged backwards.

Kol snaps his head up, looking at me before ripping out two hearts and making his way towards me.

Suddenly, a wolf appears and gives Kol a fatal wolf bite. I gasp before letting out all the air that filled my body.

Whilst he was weak another stakes him and he begins to lose colour.

"Kol!" I scream out from under the hand.

I'm thrown into the back of the limo and the driver pulls off.

* * * * *

I wake up on the floor in the middle of a dark room with just enough natural light in to make out the doorway.

I walk towards it and place my hand on the handle before pulling it open. It tears open with a creek and before me is a large and bright window.

I shield my eyes from the sun and see a highway in the distance, I know where we are. This hotel is abandoned but it wasn't always.

Stealthily, I creep down the spiral staircase and head into the closest room which happens to be the kitchen.

It was full of mould and rusty pots but it was vacant which was more than I knew about the rest of the hotel.

Digging through doors I come across a wooden box and take it out, setting it on the dusty counter.

Preparing myself for what could come next I open the box to see nothing but a cutlery set; a silver cutlery set.

Klaus told me the people attacking we're werewolves and I'm pretty sure silver kills and werewolf so I take the biggest knife that's in it.

Remembering last night I think of Kol and a tear slips down my cheek. Could he really be dead?

I tuck the knife into my bra and put the set away before shutting the draw.

"I see you're up." A deep voice says from the doorway.

"I see you don't knock." I retort.

"Well if we're playing like that then here." He says, grabbing my arm and dragging me through the halls.

"Who are you?" I snap.

"Tyler but that doesn't really matter." He says.

"Why are you helping Mikael?" I ask. "Don't you know what he is?"

"I know exactly who he is: someone who wants to kill Klaus which makes him my friend."

"And you believe that he won't kill you when this is all over?"

He stops walking and looks down at me. "Klaus ruined my life, we are doing you a favour by killing him." Tyler says.

"Here." I blonde girl says, handing me some clothes. "Unless you plan on staying in that dress."

I take the clothes from her and she leads me to an empty room where I change into the cropped top and black jeans.

"So what's your plan? Lure Klaus here because he won't come alone and even if he did you sure as hell couldn't kill him."

"No, but I can." Mikael says.

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