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Silently, I eat my pizza.

"You're quiet." Rebekah says, washing a glass.

"Exhausted." I reply. "You forget I spent the last three days starved and chained up in darkness."

"Oh really, I thought you were in Hawaii." She says, sitting across the table from me. "Seriously, are you okay?"

"I'm fine." I sigh, clearing my plate. "I just can't wait for this whole thing to be over."

"I can second that."

"If Mikael did kill me, what do you think would happen?" I ask.

"I think between the two of them Klaus would chase him to the ends of the earth before slowly and painfully dragging his death out. As for Kol, I recon he'd murder half your town." She explains. "Why'd you ask?"

"Just curious." I say. "I'm going to get an early night."

"It's barely 8." She scoffs.

"Well I haven't just refilled my energy on human blood." I retort before going into the living room.

"There's my girl." Klaus grins from the sofa.

"Good night." I smile at him.

"Already?" Klaus asks.

"'Tis rather early, even for you." Elijah says.

"Headache." I reply.

"A little vampire blood'll clear that up." Kol says with a grin. I roll my eyes before backing out of the room and crashing into Finn.

"What are you planning?" Finn asks.

"What?" I question.

"I can sense it, something's wrong." Finn says.

"Yeah, my head hurts and you're not helping." I say before marching up the stairs.

I sit in bed for about ten minutes.
I look at my clock: 8:15.

Attempting to be silent I pull open the window and stare down, there's no way I can make that jump so I head downstairs and go into the kitchen, knowing I'll never be able to creep out the front door.

I grain up some vervain from the Mikaelson's secret stash before slipping it into their drinks.

"Well I feel better, anyone want a drink?"

"I won't say no." Klaus grins.

"You seem awful chipper." Rebekah says.

"Well my headache is gone." I reply. "And now my head is clear, we'll be free of Mikael soon, I can feel it."

"I'll drink to that." Kol says as I hand him one.

"You'll drink to anything." Rebekah scoffs, tapping her class.

"Well then a toast." Elijah says, taking one of the drinks.

I hand the final one to Finn and sit with them for a while.

I know the vervain won't effect them much, especially considering the small amount I used but it will weaken their senses, hopefully enough for them to not hear me leave.

A few minutes later I check my watch, 8:35.

"Excuse me." I say, standing.

"Where are you going?" Klaus asks.

"Bathroom." I reply. "Didn't realise I needed a pass."

I walk out the living room, shutting the door behind me. I open the bathroom door and shut it before lightly running to the front door.

Silently, I take a deep breath before opening the door to see Klaus. "Nice try love." Klaus smirks, looking at me from outside.

"Do you really think we're that stupid?" Kol laughs from behind me.

I turn to see Kol, Rebekah, Elijah and Finn.

"We smelt that vervain as soon as you pulled it out." Rebekah says, shaking her head.

"But A for effort: the lying, the drugging, all very well planned." Elijah says, I can see he's hurt by my lies.

"Elijah I-"

"I'm almost proud of you." Klaus says. "In you go."

"It's my family." I tell him.

"It always is. Mikael has found your weakness and he knows you're mine." Klaus says. "And the longer we stand out here the more exposed we are."

"Then go inside." I say.

Klaus raises a brow at me before putting his hands under my armpits and lifting me a few feet into the air and carrying me inside. He sets me down and Kol shuts the door, standing in front of it.

"You would do anything for you family is it so bad that I would for mine?" I question.

"Because I care about you, I do not care about them." Klaus says.

I slap him across the face. "You should know the meaning of family more than anyone."

The Mikaelson Family (Klaus Mikaelson)Where stories live. Discover now