Little Sister

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Klaus snatches the bill as soon as it arrives at the table.


"Shouldn't bother arguing." Klaus says. "I may be new to dating but I know the old ways."

"New to dating? Here I had you down as a romantic." I state. "Surely, you've had a girlfriend."

"A very long time ago." He says. "But I have never felt the way I do for you, for someone else."

"Why do I feel like I've known you forever?" I ask.

He smiles before offering out his hand to me which I take and we walk out of the restaurant. "Is there anywhere else you wish to go?" Klaus asks as he walks me out.

Suddenly, my phone begins buzzing. My eyes widen as I scramble for my phone and look at the caller ID. "I'm sorry, it's my kid sister, I-"

"Take the call." He orders with a kind smile. "I'll wait."

"Thank you, I'll be two seconds." I say before turning around and answering. "Charlotte, are you okay?"

"Jason bought me to the Halloween fair, I can't find him." She says.

"Okay, I'm on my way just stay put." I order before hanging up.

"Everything okay?"

"My little sisters lost at the fair." I answer, looking through my phone for Uber's number. "I wish I could stay longer but-"

"I'll take you to your sister." He says, covering my phone screen.

"You don't have to." I scoff.

"In you get love." He smiles, opening the limo door for me.

I give him a warm smile before climbing in and shuffling over.

* * * *

A few minutes later we pull up at the town centre where the fair was. "I'm going to look for my sister, I'll be right back." I say.

"I'll wait here." He says.

I walk into the crowd, instantly seeing Charlotte.

Klaus's POV:

As Danielle fades into the crowd of dressed up people I begin to smell blood. My eyes dart around until it lands on a dark haired man with a few others, a little down the street a woman, barely thrown aside with her throat ripped out, three of the five men's shirts were stained with her blood.

Quickly, I call Elijah. "Elijah we have a problem." I say.

"What is it?"

"Those vampires we've been looking for." I say. "Let's just say there aren't just fake ones at the festival."

"I'm on my way." He says.

Next I look around for Danielle, unable to see her at a glance I merge with the crowd, looking for her.

A few moments later I see her. "No Charlotte you can't have anymore popcorn, let's just find Jason and get home." She sighs.

"I think we should get out of here love." I say, appearing by her side.

"Klaus, you scared me." She gasps. "And sure, I just need to find my brother."

"Who are you?" Her sister asks, looking up at me.

"Jason!" Danielle shouts. "One second Klaus-"

Before she can step away I grab her forearm. "We really have to go." I say.

"Klaus, Danielle, what a wonderful surprise." Elijah says, instantly I let go of Danielle. "Danielle, I'm Elijah, pleased to meet you. I'm Klaus's brother."

"Then the pleasure is all mine." She smiles. "You'll have to excuse me, I have a to handle my brother."

"I understand." Elijah says before Danielle takes Charlottes hand and walks to her brother.

"There's a woman down the street." I say.

"We smelt her the moment we arrived, Finn is handling it." Elijah replies.

"And Rebekah and Kol?" I ask.

"Tracking down the vampires." He replies. "You really like her don't you?"

"What?" I question him.

"You haven't taken your eyes off her this whole time I've been talking to you." He says. I look down at him. "I don't see you care about that much, it's kind of hard not to notice when you do."

"I can't let her get hurt Elijah." I say.

"Okay well my sibling issue has been handled." Danielle laughs, walking back over. "I'm just going to head to the bathroom then we can go."

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